Will Chills in a Palm tree

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"You're getting a tan. Sun's good for you."

"No, it's because you're next to me, Solace."

"Are you calling me hot?" Will smirked.

"In the literal sense, yes. With looks, no." I told him. He faked a sob and I rolled my eyes. I didn't need to tell him that he was drop-dead gorgeous; his head would get bigger.

Will and I strolled along, the sand annoyingly getting into my shoes. There wasn't really anyone here but I still felt really awkward. Not necessarily because Will insisted on holding my hand. I liked the feeling of his fingers curling around mine. Not that I'd ever admit that out loud.

Will was certain it was because I'm scared everyone will judge us for being gay.

"Don't worry, sunshine," he said swinging his hand, dragging mine with it, "homophobic people are just seen as dickheads these days. It's fine."

I just nodded. So much for the son of the God of prophecy. He couldn't have been further off what I feeling.

I had this strong pulling sensation in my chest and it was pulling me forward towards something or someone.

Will and I continued to walk, talking about our lives in camp, until we got the pier. It was well into the night, meaning it was pitch black, but the deep purple lights of the pier made it pretty, like something off of Rachel's Instagram.

I hate pretty.

But Will love it, so I attempted to not lower the mood.

But, that was what I was best at.

"Isn't it nice?" Will beamed, digging his toes into the sand, which lit up immediately.

He looked so perfect at that moment, I almost forgot to answer his question.

"It's OK," I sat down right outside his right of light. "Pitch black is better."

He laughed heartily, further enlarging his light circle. I scuttled out of the way as hastily as possible.

"Ugh, miss me with that bullshit," I murmured, which just made him laugh even more.

Gods he was hot. Literally.

× × ×

We sat in the sand, staring at the moon and taking about life and death. But mostly death. Though Will literally a ray of sunshine, he gets real deep when needed.

He ruffled my hair and rolled over out of reach before I could do the same back.

"We should be getting back to camp, but.." I grinned, trying to reach him. He scurried away before I could get my revenge.

Just at that moment, something moved swiftly in the shadows underneath the pier. I quickly stood up, gripping my sword.

I was hoping I wouldn't need to stuck anyone's soul out anyone's body today.

Guess not.

"I didn't bring my quiver." Will whispered to me. Somehow, he didn't back away when I drew my sword.

Was he immune to fear?

"Are you silly?" I whispered sharply back. Another swift movement emerged from the pier, so he grabbed a rock and walked with me quietly towards the rustling.

It seemed to stop when we got near. Gesturing for Will to stay put, I tiptoed towards the underpass and peered underneath it.

I gripped onto my Stygian sword as I walked down the underpass, the breeze fluttering through my shirt. I wondered how a monster could pass through the boarder, but my thoughts were interrupted by a petrified yelp.


Out of fear, I wanted to drop my sword, but I know from experience that letting fear consume you was a massive weakness. I sprinted towards the sound, finding Will handing upside down, entangled in a handmade palm tree rope. A girl I'd never seen before turned around, brandishing a long-curved sword at my neck. They were used for farming, I recalled, and, apparently, a deadly weapon. Her thick, slightly shaped eyebrows casted downwards as she frowned and cocked her head sideways. She had the same deep brown eyes that Bianca did; they were almost black.

"You smell like death," I told the girl bluntly.

"You look like death," she replied, equally as blunt. We continued to look at each other, before Will cleared his throat.

"Would anyone like to untie me?" Will huffed, glaring at me.

"Oh yeah."

Her eyes were exactly the same as Bianca's, I thought, not to mention, she's fricking crazy.

"Hey! I'm not crazy!" She protested dropping her sword which magically reappeared in her belt. "Blondie over there tried to throw a rock at me!"

I turned to face her.

Did she just read my thoughts or am I crazy?

Examining her eyes again, they went pitch black. They weren't just Bianca's eyes, they were just like my dad's...


"Would you like to stop examining my eyes, now?"

Not really, but whatever.

'How comes he's not scared of me?'

Her voice filled my head but her lips weren't moving.

After shooting her a confused look I realised who she was...

"You're my sister."

'No shit, sherlock'. There her voice was again.

I cocked my head, confused. Wait. You can hear my thoughts? Can you hear everyone's thoughts then?

"Nope. You're actually the first person." she replied, studying me.

Just at that moment, there was a loud thud in the background, we both turned around to see Will sprawled across the sand on his back, groaning. I ran to my boyfriend who refused to take my hand.

"If you won't help me then, why'd you need to help me now?" He grumbled.

Mumbling an apology, I turned back to the new mysterious girl.

"I'm Nico, and this Will."


"Well, nice to meet you, Dominic-" Will began.

"Dominique." She corrected him, placing her hands on her hips.

"Dominique," Will corrected, agitated,  "but we need to get back to camp. We surpassed our curfew hours ago."

Will dragged me along but I had one chance to turn to Dominique. She was chopping down the leaves of the palm tree. I then noticed how most of the palm trees were missing their leaves, as if she lived here. Turning back at me, she gave me a sad smile.

I'm coming back for you, I thought, I have questions.

Dominique nodded, re- emerging into the shadows.

Ty x to sthxngg for editing.

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