Sparks fly...literally

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Extra upload for 500 reads !! Once again, thank you dudesss x


Btw the picture above is Vergel, the new character, who you'll be meeting in this chapter x


I gasped for air as I rose to the surface of the lukewarm water.

I stayed stationery, floating in one spot, I allowing my eyes to adjust to my surroundings as I looked around.

A warm breeze fluttered pass me, causing me to feel a little over dressed, in my usual aviator jacket and jeans.

Whatever, I'll just take it off when I get to shore, I thought.

I started to swim forward, squinting into the darkness, trying to locate the shore.

Eventually, a mountain came into view, I picked up the pace, until I flopped unto the shore.

At the foot of the mountain, lay a layer of dark yellow sand that seemed to illuminate the entire cove. The teal waters, which I'd arrived on just added to picturesque environment I'd found myself in.

It was too pretty. I didn't trust it one bit.

I stood up and brushed off my clothes, which were surprisingly enough, completely dry, and grabbed my bag, which floated alongside me.

The warm breeze brushed past me again, urging me to remove my jacket.

Curse Filipino air, I thought.

The breeze passed and I realise the weird aroma it carried with it. It smelled like a metal barbecue.

Like instead of cooking burgers and hot dogs, they were grilling aluminium and steel.

Leo must have arrived before me.

The cove was quite small, so I decided to sit and wait for Leo and Will to find me.

I heard a loud gasp, followed by the sound of a wave crashing into the shore and loud curses. I looked up to find Will and Leo sprawled on the top of each other in an awkward position.

Will flipped onto his back abruptly, causing Leo to drop face first into the wet sand. Will laughed heartily, before staggering upwards turning back towards the ocean. Will must have made a comment that caused Leo to sigh as he stood up and joined Will.

They were looking out into the distance as if they were looking for something. Probably me, even though I was standing about 10 metres behind them.

I used this to my advantage to creep up behind them and scare the living day lights out of them, (literally, in Will's case).

"What you looking for?" I asked, placing a hand on both of their shoulders.

They both jumped but realised it was me and turned to greet me instead.

"I thought a sea monster ate you, Di Angelo." Leo smirked, trying to pull me in for a hug.

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