myg,, game

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You pressed the key on your customed keyboard as you play your favourite game.

|Your character| Im back~ i got food..

|Suga's character| you eat too much! Come on, let's fight the monsters. I'll meet you inside the dungeon.

|Your character| meet you there!

Your character walked towards the dark dungeon, and was met by Suga's character.

|Your character| Sugasweg! I need more health! I'm going to die!

|Suga's character| hey  g/n here.

[g/n means game name]


It's been 6 months since you played with your online bestfriend..Suga. It has also been 5 months since you gave your numbers to each other. Everytime you get a notification, you will immediately stop what you're doing and check. The both of you tried voice calling but never video. You weren't ready to show your face to the person that you met through game. You always feels empty when he's offline or wasn't texting you.

You were fighting the monster with him when your roommate came home and hugged you from behind.

"Today was tiring...My boss kept on yelling! It was SO annoying. I wish I could just stab him and stuff his fluffy face with fo-"

"You're not listening! Quit your game and listen!" she folded her arms irritatedly.

"Okay okay.. I'm just going to finish this monster."

The both of you finished the monster earning gold coins. You soon said your goodbyes before you logged off for the day.

"Okay. You can continue" You turned towards her after closing your computer.

"Okay so-He was such a biatch. But he's so hot..and that ruins the plan." she nodded her lips turned into a straight line.

You widened your eyes as soon as you heard her say he was hot. You smacked her head before saying,

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" you exclaimed.

"and you're meeting him tomorrow" she winked at you.

"I don't want to be a third wheel." you rolled your eyes leaning on your chair arms crossed .

"We're leaving right after. I'm going with you to the mall. I need new clothes." She got started getting ready for bed.


You and your roommate got ready to meet her boyfriend. While you entered the yellow taxi, the song The truth Untold played. It was your favourite song..Ever. You closed your eyes, leaning on the cold window as you listened.Their angelic voices was making you soft. But your mood changed when you realized that you couldn't play your favourite game with Suga that day.

You gave the taxi driver your money and got off. The song fainted as it drove away. You tucked a strand piece of hair behind your ears and sighed.

"he's waiting. Come on." your rommate suddenly spoke.

"kay.." you softly replied.

The bell rung when you entered the cafe, startling you. Your eyes explored the new place. The blue pastel with white striped walls..Tall tables..The cafe smelt like freshly baked cupcakes..with a tint of coffee.

"Y/n-ah! Why are you taking so long?" you immediately turned to look at your friend and her boyfriend that was sitting beside her.

"Sorry..Uhm. Hey, i'm Im y/n! R/n's roommate." you smiled widely before bowing.

"hello..i'm Min Yoongi." his voice was raspy and deep. It sent chills down your spine.

"Sit. I ordered cupcakes for you guys." he said softly but his voice remained raspy.

"Thank you!" your roommate held his hands, kissing him on the cheeks.

It's been about thirty minutes and you couldn't take it anymore. They kept talking forgetting that you were there. They spoke to you a couple of times but after that they continued on flirting.

"I'm going to the computer shop..Meet me there and we'll go to the mall." you swallowed the last bite of your red velvet cupcake before running out.

"See you!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"i knew i would become their third wheel! I don't even know why i came!" you frustratedly spammed the key of the keyboard killing the monster.

"G/n..We finally met." A deep voice was heard. It was very..familiar.

You looked back and saw...

Min Yoongi..

For a moment, everything stopped. Everyone disappeared..You stared at his brown eyes.

"You..You're Sugasweg?! Bu-but.."

"It is me.." Yoongi stared at you.

"Oh! You found her! Y/n~ Let's go.." she appeared.

She stopped talking when she noticed you and Yoongi staring at each other.

His stare was cold. But through his eyes..You could see that he was soft. Your lips curved into a small smile.

"Suga." you mumbled. You blinked softly.

The person that you met when you first started to play..The person that helped you throughout the game..The person that comforted you when you felt upset. The person that made fun of you for eating too much. The person that made you strong when you went through dark..depressing times..

But it was all just a game.

"..Do you guys know each other..?" your roommate lifted her eyebrows.

"He's my partner in crime.." you smiled showing your bright teeth.

"Do you still eat alot?" he chuckled. You melted when he chuckled. Your heart was beating so fast.

"oh. I'm just going to wait outside.." she quietly said head hanging low.

She started walking away when Suga..or Yoongi caught her wrist.

"I'm going to the mall with you guys." he said before walking out with her.

You felt so excited to see the guy you've been texting and playing with for months.

You walked towards the exit where they were at.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew her?! Yoongi-ah. Did you lie? Is she the girl that you've been texting?!" she whisper-yelled at Yoongi.

"She was going through a hard time! Didn't you see how depressed she was? You're her roommate you should've noticed that." Yoongi replied.

"she never told me! Everytime I came home from work, i always see her smile..She even laughs with me. She lied to you!" She fought.

"But you never know the pain that she hides under the smile." Yoongi stated.

You had a sad face when you listened.

I'm ruining everything..

"What if she's falling for you?" she croaked her head still hung low.

"She's not. I love you, r/n. I would never leave you for me." Yoongi caressed her arm before hugging her.

Tears soon fell like a water fall. You knew it was wrong. You knew it shouldn't have happened. But you can't control your feelings.

Deep inside your mind,

"What if I am falling in love with you?"


Wut would be your username in a game?


bts angst,,  book two  ✍︎Where stories live. Discover now