jjk,,no one compares

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Y/n Pov.

"Jiyeon was so cool today! She gave me lunch too! Why didn't you bring me lunch today?" Jungkook asked me while I cooked dinner.

"Sorry kook, something happened at work and I couldn't come over to your shooting.." I started to doze off thinking about what happened today.

"Okay— anyways— Y/N!!"

"SHIT!!!!" I screamed as blood started oozing out of my fingers.

My eyes started to tear up when Jungkook came over and bandaged it up.

"you have to be more careful, just like jiyeo—" there he was again. He always talks about Jiyeon that it's starting to be irritating. I have no choice but to hide the jealousy i'm feeling inside.

I trust him.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to rest up a bit. I'll cook you dinner tomorrow but for now, eat the leftovers from yesterday tonight." I snatched my hand from his grip and walked away leaving him in the kitchen, confused.

The next day.

"Y/n can you come over for lunch today? The director also said that filming would last the whole day, is that okay?" Jungkook looked at me from the mirror, fixing his shirt.

"I'll try, if not, i'll go right after work." I replied walking up to him to help him fix his jacket.

I look up at him, to find him staring at me. I started to lean in aiming for his lips, when we our lips were only centimetres away, his phone started ringing.

"Hey, Jiyeon. I'm on my way now.. Uh-huh.. okay. See you." He smiled at the phone walking to the door.

"I'll see you later y/n bye!"

"Take care! I love yo-" Jungkook shut the door close followed by a loud sound.

I sadly sighed before I started getting ready myself.


I bowed to the man that opened the door for me since I was holding packs of lunches for everyone.

As soon as I entered the room, my eyes landed on Jungkook. His smile. It was so bright, that I felt like i was going blind. But he wasn't smiling at me.. He was staring right at Jiyeon, who clung to his arm like a leach.

"Hey guys! I brought lunch!" I cheered getting all of the boys' attention.

"Y/n!" Jimin yelled, which caught Jungkooks attention.

Jimin and the other boys suddenly surrounded me asking how i was doing and such.

"I bought you guys lunch! Just take some if you want, there is enough for everyone." I smiled at them glancing at Jungkook and Jiyeon casually laughing.

"y/n, thanks for the food but Jiyeon bought us lunch already." Namjoon explained.

"Oh. I didn't know. You guys don't have to eat it—" i bit my lip uncomfortably.

"I was still feeling a little hungry anyways.. Thanks y/n." V winked at me which made me chuckle.

"uhm, i'll be right back." I made my way to Jungkook.

"Hey babe" I smiled at Jungkook who was too busy talking to Jiyeon.

"Hi Jiyeon" I waved at Jiyeon who glanced at me with a salty look.

Jungkook finally looked at me and pulled me that made me sit on his lap. Jiyeon walked over to the boys and started talking to them.

"Y/n, I don't like how Jimin hyung looks at you." He pouted snaking his hands around my waist.

"Well, I hate how close you are to Jiyeon." His hug started to loosen and I could feel his face burn up.

I stood up and walked away.

"Y/n. wait up!" Jungkook grabbed my shoulder making me face him.

"You're always like this. You think I don't notice? When you cut your finger, you walked out on me. Then now. What the fuck is the problem?" Jungkook hissed.

"Me? Jungkook, have you ever noticed that, you always talk about Jiyeon? I'm your girlfriend for fucks sakes! But why don't I feel like i'm not? Do you know what I feel when you say another girls' name? The way you talk about her, the same way you talked about me. Jungkook are you sure you want to be with me?  " i panted tears streaming down my face.

"That? Are you serious? You're just jealous y/n—"

"I'm getting hurt kook." I squeaked out.

He scoffed, " She cared for me when you had no time for me. I wanted to always be with you but you're so busy doing "work" and to think I won't find out? You've been flirting with your boss so don't act so innocent."

"you never really cared about me either. You don't ask me how i was doing. You were to busy chatting with Jiyeon.  Do you know I work three jobs? No? Jungkook, my dad and brother got into a car accident. And i had to do everything to pay for the medical fees. You'd rather listen to Jiyeon" I told him breaking down.

"You never told me, i could've helped you.." he was shocked, it was obvious.

"You never listen. I tried. Look, you can be with her now. I will leave you alone." I wiped my tears and ran away.

"Y/n.." jungkook felt horrible.

He wished he listened to you, he wished he never spoke to you anything about Jiyeon— he wished he wasn't a dick.

Nobody compared to you. In his eyes, You were perfect, but he was too busy to notice that.

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