ksj,, crazy rich

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"Honey, I put your allowance in your bank account already," My mom yelled from downstairs as I fixed my suit.

"Thanks," I yelled back. Why do I have an allowance if I have my own company? I shrugged it off as I grabbed my case.

I took my cars keys as I ran to my car, running a bit late. I drove as fast as I can to the office.

I got off and fixed my tie quickly as I was greeted by my assistant, (Y/N).

"Good morning, Mr. Kim," She smiled.

I smiled back, "What's the schedule for today?"

"You have a meeting at 4:30pm with the CEO of Jamlezz Entertainment. A representative will be coming in for an offer. They weren't specific but they said they flew from Paris," She looked at me for reassurance.

I nodded at her as a signal that I knew them and she kept on.

"That will be at 6:00pm. Then Mr. Jeon called in and told me to tell you to come where you usually go to. And I arranged the new house you wanted to buy and it is already sold for you."

"Oh. And the CEO of the toy company cancelled the meeting for 5:30pm and said, I quote, 'Sorry for the declining offer I gave you. You do not seem fitting for the company concept'." She finished off.

I stared at her,"It's fine. He was an asshole for a toy company owner anyways. I have work for you today as well. And you will be coming with me with the boys later tonight. Wear something nice."

I closed the door on her and sat on my desk. Today will be so stressful.

I checked the papers first. I suddenly recieved a message saying:

"Jinnie! How are you? I'm with your mom right now. Can't wait to see you. XOXO"

"Fucking hell," I said to myself as I blocked the number. Another one of those hoes.

I finished with the meetings hours later and decided to call my mom. She picked up quickly.

"Mom, I'm going home late for tonight. Tell the maids to pack all of the things I own."

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm going out with the boys tonight. I'm moving out by tomorrow. I'll come back to pick my things up," I closed the lights to my office and nodded at the last people working and rushed to my car.

"Why are you moving out without consulting me? I told you to tell me if you have plans," She nagged.

"Mom, I'm 27. I can make plans on my own. And I'm tired of you treating me like a baby and giving me money instead of affection. Stop setting me up with women. I'll find someone. Tell Dad I need him by tomorrow," I hung up as I sighed. I started the car and drove to the bar.

"Mr. Kim is here!" Jungkook and Hoseok hollered as they saw me. I saw (Y/N), sat down one one of the stools. She wore casual ripped jeans, oversized red hoodie, and red stiletto heels. This was my first time seeing her in casual clothes but it amazed me somehow.

I sat down with them as I ordered a drink.

(Y/N)'s POV

He sat down beside me and ordered a drink.

I stared at him for a while as I snapped back into reality.

"Sir, why did you invite me here?" I asked.

He shrugged,"Maybe you need it. And we're here as friends. Just call me Jin."

He gulped on the drink and brought another. He passed one to me as I stared at it.

He lifted it up, waiting for me. I hesitantly hit his glass and gulped the liquid.

After couple of drinks and laughter from the boys.

Jin started to get drowsy and maybe a bit drunk.

He put his head againsts my shoulder as he spoke to me.

"You know how hard it is to be rich and own a company. My mom gives me money instead of affection. She sets me up with every woman out there. When you have a dad who's barely home. It stresses me out. Good thing I have a great assistant," He smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat for a moment.

He started laughing. Then he just suddenly blacked out.

"I think you better take him to his new house," Namjoon chuckled.

"Me?" I asked.

"Well, you're the only one who knows his new address," Jimin scratched the back of his head as Taehyung nodded.

I nodded as the boys helped me carry him to his car. I came here with Namjoon so I guess I'm driving.

"Tell me when you both get home. And text us his address," Yoongi said as I rolled the window up and buckled his seatbelt.

I looked at him for a moment, sudden tears coming from his eyes.

"I'm so tired," He whispered, his lips curved downwards and it quivered.

"I'll take you home," I wiped his tears away as I drove ahead.

I layed him on his bed and tucked him in.

I stared at him. I pity him. He's such a hard working man but his parents don't acknowledge it.

I texted Yoongi and told him that he's home and his address as well.

I locked the door to his house carefully as I walked to the bus stop.

I hope you'll feel better, Kim Seokjin


Omg I'm alive. Who knew?

Sorry for the not updating trend that has been happening.

Not super angsty but as long as I can update, we will all be fine.


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