jjk,, birthday

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BIRTHDAY: thank you for being born.

giggles erupted from every angle as your friends placed a soft bandana over your eyes, telling you something about a surprise or something along those lines. you were forced to change out of your working clothes into comfy black sweatpants and a dark yellow hoodie before being dragged outside of your house.

you have no idea what's happening - except that you know that you're outside, and somewhere pretty far.

"if you don't fucking tell me where the fucking fuck we're fucking going i'm going to fucking start a fucking scene-"

"jEsUs chrIsT, if i have a goddamn dollar everytime you say fuck i would be goddamn rich," your friend complained for the tenth time in the past hour or two, harshly tugging at your hoodie.

"bitch as if," you snorted, stopping on your tracks, yanking your arms out of your friends' grip, crossing it over your chest. "i'm getting tired of walking. i'm not going to continue until your tell me where we're going," you said with a determined frown, stopping your feet once to prove your point. tch, petty brat.

"get your ass moving." yoongi you think - spoke; voice coming from behind you, probably a few safe homosexual feet away.

"what if i say no?" you retorted back, head turning rather dramatically to where you think yoongi is, raising a brow in a challenging manner.

"i'm giving your bratty ass ten seconds to start moving or else i'm dragging you." there was amusement on the male's voice. you could almost see him with a serious frown, his hands on his hips, and his weight leaning against one of his legs while the other is infront. sassy little shit.

when he saw that you have no intention to move, he sighed and started counting.


no movement.


no movement.


a yawn.


still no movement. yoongi gritted his teeth in annoyance.


"six, shorty-"

yoongi's face darkened at the insult, feeling a bang at his ego. "excuse me you ass, but i am not short." his voice was offended. deeply offended.

hah, the bitch deserved it.

"move." yoongi started again.


"get fucking moving, y/n."

"guess i'm going to fucking move."

"shut the fuck up."

"shuttin' the fuck up."

"i hate you."

"all the more reasons why you should tell me where we're going so i'll stop being a brat."

"go fucking walk."

"going to fucking walk."

after finally - FINALLY - two hours of solid walking and arguing with yoongi, you seemed to arrive at your destination.

your friends left you with yoongi halfway through your walk. unloyal hoes.

you felt fingers undoing the knot of the bandana, letting it slip from your eyes, the light from the place blinding you for a good few seconds.

it seems like you're on top of a mountain, the whole thing decorated in soft fairy lights. there was a table placed in the middle of the field, candles lighting it up. next to the candle sat a brown envelope accompanied by a single red rose.

you walked over to the letter, lifting it up to read it.

turn around.

raising a brow, you did as what you were told, coming face to face with the only asshole that you can tolerate in your life.

his face brightened up with a cute bunny smile, holding up a bouquet of your favourite flowers, almost looking like a little kid asking their crush out.

your heart melted a bit.

"happy birthday to my love," his sweet voice was the only thing to be heard as he started inching closer to you, his smile never leaving his face.

"thank you so much, thank you for my love," he continued, taking a step after each word.

"thank you for being born today, for coming to me, meeting you was a great fortune my love," he sang, now standing in front of you. his left hand gently placed the flowers on yours before revealing what he was holding with his right hand.

"now, blow out the candles, my love," he finished singing, showing the small cake from behind his back, grinning idiotically by now.

jungkook places a soft kiss on the top of your forehead, his eyes closed.

"happy birthday, y/n"

it's one of the admin's birthday today - awkwardkookie

well, not yet. but on the eleventh.

bts angst,,  book two  ✍︎Where stories live. Discover now