jjk,, birthday

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hahui ( Hawee)


First Birthday|

I remember the first time I had a birthday, maybe not completely perfect but blurs of it

The huge birthday cake, the ridiculous amount of people that came, and sang 'Happy Birthday' just for me.

I remember hearing the cheers as i 'blew' the candles, even though in reality, it was my mom who had blown the candles for me.

Second Birthday|

This year wasn't much different.

I had another huge cake and more ridiculous amount of people came, some I didn't even recognize

But this time, when it was time to blow the candles, i succeeded, hearing coos and cheers of elders

Third Birthday|

Nothing special really.

Just the same old same

Huge Cake and Huge amount of people coming,

but oh, this day was the first time I saw you, even if you hand't seen me back for you left so early.

Fourth Birthday|

For the first time, I had actual friends with me on my birthday

Making friends in kindergarden was easy for me, 

so they are,

singing  Happy Birthday to me

But sadly, like last year, you weren't there to sing Happy Birthday for me for you had left early once again.

Fifth Birthday|

I remember that you finally noticed me 

Maybe tripping in front of you was embarrasing, but atleast you finally noticed me when you helped me get up

I hoped that you would stay, but i was wrong because when everyone sang happy birthday,

You weren't there again

Sixth Birthday|

This year, I had enough courage to greet you,

I did the right thing, because after that, 

you smiled and greeted me back

I learned that you were 2 years older than me 

you held my and, as I introduced you to my friends, who gladly accepted you

I was so happy to see you finally stay, and sing happy birthday, to me this year

seventh birthday|

If my first birthday had a humongous amount of people that came,

then there must be  a billion people here

My mom and dad had dressed me up like a pretty princess

and we had things like 7 gifts, 7 roses, 7 wishes, 7 candles, and stuff like that,

I was so happy to find out you were one of the 7 roses, 

but I was even happier when you gave me the gift that you had made yoursef

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