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Characters :
Jai(M) - The main character.
Rupali(F) - Jai's fiancee.
Aditya(M) - Jai's best friend.
Shlok(M) - Jai's best friend.
Tara(F) - Aditya's wife.
Amy(F) - Jai's neighbor.

Hope you enjoy the story  ❤



The loud beep of the alarm clock resonates in the air, but I'm already wide awake. It has been like this for a while now- lying awake on the bed and staring at the plain ceiling, waiting for the alarm to beep.

Maybe I should try some new paint or wallpapers for the ceiling. It's too boring to look at.

With this thought in mind, I switch the alarm off and head to the washroom.
Within ten minutes, I'm all ready and heading to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Please let something be there!

No luck. Guess I have to eat out today.
I turn to go when suddenly a box of cereal catches my eye.

Ah! My lifesaver!

I scarf it down with milk in record time. After washing the bowl and spoon, I go to my room and gaze lovingly at the sight of the girl who owns my heart.

My Rupali.

I kiss her, and whisper, "I'll be back in the evening. Love you." Her smile brings a warm feeling in me.

I step out of the apartment and smile politely at my new neighbor who moved in just yesterday. "If you need help with something, ask me."

"Will do. Thanks, " she smiles back.

I rush to my office. Being the CEO of one of the most successful companies is quite a strenuous task. But I'm getting used to it, ever since Dad transferred it to me five years ago. Maintaining the company's position is pretty challenging, let me tell you. But I managed it, making my parents proud.

That's what I work hard for. The glint in their eyes as they look at you is worth all the nights you spent working your ass off.

I walk through the office, greeting all the employees back and go to my cabin, and instantly get into work mode.

Finally, I decide to take a lunch break, but the time is three in the afternoon.
If Rupali would've been here, she would've shouted at me for not having my lunch on time. I smile.

I had always been in love with her. Her? Not the same. I tried hard to get her attention. But she never gave it to me, until I took it from her by playing mean pranks on her. She hated me! But that was my last resort. I had no other option, so I continued with it. She left the town abruptly one day.

Those were the most depressing years of my life. I was sad. Angry even. Yelled at random strangers and got yelled back. Broke things. Got into fights. Was drunk out of my wits. While all these changes kept happening, the only constants in my life were Mum, Dad, and my best friends Aditya and Shlok. I love them to death and make sure to call them every day.

I had lost hopes of Rupali coming back. But she did, and for that I was grateful. The only thing that stopped me from hugging her the moment I saw her, two years later, was the reminder that she still hated me.

I was determined to be with her. It was no piece of cake, let me tell you. But she eventually forgave me, and we started dating.
We were the power couple in the college. Everyone admired us. Why wouldn't they? The love between us was almost tangible. I would do anything for her. My friends would tease me for acting like a love-struck idiot, but I didn't mind it one bit. Ours was the forever kind of love.

"Reminiscing the past, I see."

I turn to the owner of the voice.
"Oh hey Shlok!" I smile.

"Not only Shlok. I'm here too. You know the shiny star in your otherwise dark life." Aditya walks in.

We roll our eyes.

"Twenty-eight and still immature. I bet Vihaan is more mature than you."

Aditya snorts.

Vihaan was Aditya's two-year-old son. That guy was gonna be a genius one day for sure. At two years, he could recite the alphabets backwards! Add to that, he was adorable!

"How's Tara?" I ask.

Aditya's face lights up and one could see his eyes softening and lips turning into a smile.

"She's amazing! Pregnancy has been really good to her. She's literally glowing man! "

"When are you expecting?"

"In three months. I bet it's a girl, " he says, all the while grinning.

We snicker.

"Who would've thought we would see Aditya speaking so dreamily about his family?! You are whipped, dude!" Shlok laughs.

Aditya rolls his eyes.

"Okay guys, I'm hungry as hell right now. Going out to have lunch," I say.

"We'll come with. We have a lot to catch up on. " Shlok replies.
I nod.

We sit in the restaurant, eating, blabbering and laughing. When we finish it's already past six.

"Shit! I'll have to go. Meet you both soon, " I hurry out of the restaurant, barely hearing their 'okay's.

When I reach home, it's eleven in the night. I quickly have my dinner, having bought groceries on the way back and go to my room.

"Good night Rupali, " I say sleepily.

Her smiling is the last thing I see before I fall asleep.


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