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Surprisingly, today, being a Wednesday, wasn't really busy. I had only two meetings to attend, and a few contracts to read and approve. They held me back till early evening, though.

So here I am, standing outside my Mum's bakery, grinning like a loon. I'm sure my brown eyes are twinkling. That's how eager I am.

With my busy schedule, I haven't been able to meet my parents in person. I would only call them, as I would do with Shlok and Aditya.

My Mum started this bakery at the mere age of twenty years. It was an instant success, attracting big businessmen and celebrities. That's how Mum met Dad actually. He had heard about the bakery and had decided to check it out.

The instant their eyes met, they fell in love. They started dating and after two years, got married and had me.

By the time they were married, Dad's company -which I run now- was really successful. As Mum was finding it really strenuous to run the bakery, he asked her to sell it. She downright refused it. Baking was her passion since childhood, I remember her telling me.

Dad had no choice but to agree to her decisions.

After Dad retired, he started helping Mum at the bakery. It's adorable to watch them together!

Dad sucks at baking! He's improving now, but I've seen him purposely mess up the recipe, just to rile Mum up. And he succeeds. She goes red in the face and smacks his head, while Dad continues to grin.

The bakery is crowded as usual.

I wait for the trade to slacken, and then make my way to the counter, where I'm greeted by the most common sight in our household, and this bakery as well- Mum shouting at Dad, while he smiles secretively.

I laugh under my breath.

As I go closer, I can hear Mum shouting, "When are you going to change? I'm fed up of telling you, Arjun! You are supposed to treat the customers well. Welcome them not send them away!"

"Hey, Mum. Hey, Dad, " I speak out, realizing that they aren't going to acknowledge my presence if I don't speak.

"Oh! Hello Jai. I haven't seen you in a while. You look so tired. Have you been eating well? Oh, look at those baggy eyes! You don't sleep, do you?" Mum chides.

Typical Mum.

I roll my eyes. "I'm fine! What's happening here? "

"Same old, same old." Mum drawls. "Your Dad is not at all helping. He is creating more problems."

I grin at Dad. He grins back.

"So how come you are here at this time?" Dad asks.

"I didn't have much work today. So, thought I'll visit you both."

"Good, good. I've baked some cookies. Tell me how they are!" Mum chirps.

I groan. Every time I come to this bakery, the same task is given to me. She doesn't stop at cookies, trust me. She makes me eat so many, I fear I'll be diabetic at thirty-five.

Rupali would have happily done it. After all, sweets and Mum are her absolute favorite.
After me, of course!

I watch as Mum places another chocolate cupcake in front of me, and motions me to eat.

"Okay, this is the last one I'm eating, " I declare.

Mum rolls her eyes. Dad laughs and ruffles my hair.

I take after my Dad. I've heard that countless times.
"Oh! You're so much like your Dad",  "You are like his mirror image".
I would smile politely, having heard the same thing way too many times.

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