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"Will I ever be able to move on?" I ask.

It seems almost impossible. Rupali was a really important part of my life. But I guess it will remain that way- was.

"I remember how we would plan our future- a beautiful house, two kids, and a dog. It was so perfect!
But I should have known that. The vision we had in our mind, was too perfect to be true. I should have known that it will come to an end soon, " I sob.

Amy wraps her comforting arms around me.
"I'm so sorry Jai. I really don't know what to say. I want to say 'It's okay', but I know it's not. So, I'm just going to tell you that it's going to be okay. Someday. I don't know when, but I know it will. It definitely will. Don't worry, " she says. "But just be vocal around your pain okay? Don't bottle it up. Tell me, your parents, your friends anyone.
Speak about her. Random memories, things you loved about her, anything. I'm here for you, and so is everyone else. "

I hug her tightly. "Thank you, Amy. I'm glad I got you as my friend. Thanks for being so kind and understanding and listening to me."

"I don't mind it Jai. Really."

How can someone be so nice? I'm so damn grateful for her presence right now. There are Aditya, Shlok and my parents as well, but I've never spoken much to them about this.

Not that I don't love them. Hell, I love them as much as a drunkard loves alcohol. I value them as much as a last stage cancer patient values life. I cher- You get the memo.

But Amy is one of those people with whom you can get really comfortable, real quick. Like, the person you trust your secrets with. Also, she's there for me, when we don't even know each other that well.

"Can I see her pictures?" she asks hesitantly.

"Of course, come on, "  I shrug. "But there are a lot!"

" I don't mind, " she smiles.

And for the hundredth time, I thank the heavens for her presence.

"Let's begin with the ones hung around the apartment, yeah?" I don't wait for her reply, just ask her to follow me.

First, I show her the picture of Rupali which is hung in the living room, on the opposite side of the door, so that when I enter, I see her face.

Again, it's a candid picture. She is holding her hands on her hips and trying to glare at me. Emphasis on trying.
The smile playing in her lips lets me know that she is anything but mad.

"This is the most recent photo I have of her. It was taken on that evening.

"She looked so beautiful wearing a simple floral sundress, I couldn't stop the inappropriate and perverted comments. And she couldn't stop blushing! And when I said, "This dress looks great on you. But will look better when I throw it on the floor, " she turned to me and glared that adorable glare, and that's when I clicked the picture. It was worth the whack I earned on my head from her, a minute after clicking this picture. It seems so unreal! Whenever I look at this, the pain I felt was - still is - so unfathomable, so raw.

"Hours, just hours later, she was gone."

Next, I take Amy to the kitchen. There's a picture of me and Rupali,  both of us smiling at the camera. You can see the love and happiness between us, from a mile away. I had plucked a dandelion and tucked it in her hair.
Arms around each other, and heads touching, we looked every bit like the happy couple that we were.

"This was taken in her favorite park. She spent so much of her time there, even in childhood. It was her favorite place, and so, it automatically became my favorite place as well." 

I continue showing pictures to Amy. And she listens. Like she's really interested. She listens to the story behind each picture and smiles.

I show her the pictures in my laptop as well and explain the situations under which each picture was taken.

Some are really old, like taken when we were nineteen or twenty, and I'm twenty-eight now.

I tend to remember things. All of them. It has been like this always. And as these include Rupali, there's no way in hell I'm forgetting them. They are engraved in my heart.

My phone beeps with a message. It's Shlok.

Shlok: Hey. Can you come to the hospital right now?

Shit. With all the things happening, I forgot about Tara and the baby.

I close my laptop and stand up. "I gotta go to the hospital now. Tara went through labor yesterday. She was having some complications, " I say urgently.

Amy's eyes widen. "I'll come with you? I want to see her too."

I nod. Both of us leave for the hospital.

We walk past people, through the stairs and reach Tara's room.

Shlok is outside. We go to him. He stands up once he sees us.

"Aditya and Vihaan are inside. Let's go?"

"Is everything alright?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, it is. And who is this?" he asks referring to Amy.

"This is Amy. My neighbor, who shifted a few months back."

Amy gives a friendly smile and waves at him.

"Let's go?"

We go inside the room, and we are greeted by the most horrific sight- Aditya is kissing Tara like there's no tomorrow.

"Can you please try not to shove your tongue down her throat, Adi?" Shlok asks and we laugh.

Aditya jumps away, startled and sits on the chair. Tara looks down her face beet red.

Vihaan is staring at the baby with what looks like awe, which is sleeping soundly in the cradle.

"Did you forget how to knock?"  Aditya asks irritated. "I'll teach you. It's pretty simple. All you have to do - "

"Okay enough. We don't need your tutorials. We came here to see the baby, " I say shaking my head at him.

Aditya's face breaks out into a wide grin. It surely hurt to grin so hard.

"I told you. It's a girl" he literally squeals. Then he looks at Amy. "Hey! Are you his neighbor?"

"Yeah Hi! Congratulations!" she smiles politely.

We go to the cradle. She looks so peaceful and so tiny! I can already tell that she is going to be one spoiled girl!

"She is beautiful!" Amy says. Tara smiles and thanks her.

"Have you decided what you are going to name her?"

Aditya and Tara look at each other and smile.

"We are going to name her Rupali."

My heart beats painfully in my chest, and I have to blink back the tears.

"Really?" I ask.

Aditya nods. "We will never forget her."

"Thank you so much! I can't tell you how I'm feeling right now!" I hug him so tightly, I'm sure he can't breathe but he doesn't complain.

He hugs me back equally tight.

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