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Ever since the enlightenment that afternoon, I've been avoiding Amy. Again. But this time, for a different reason and a good cause. How could I not get it?

She was my go-to person. All the giddy feeling, the need to hug and kiss her all the time, the jealousy and hatred I felt towards Yash, oh, and let's definitely not forget how I couldn't look away from her clad in that towel.

An idiot. That's what I am. How can I develop feelings for her? She treated me like a friend. If she comes to know of this, she will be packing her bags and going the farthest she can, from me. And that's why I've decided that I'll ignore her. To stop developing feelings. At least more than how much I already feel.

And today is the tenth day.

Amy understood that I'm ignoring her. She asked me, but I just denied. What could I say?

Oh Amy, I just realized I have feelings for you. And they run deep.

Yeah right.

But all the ignoring isn't helping. If anything, it has increased. You know, as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

She's always on my mind. It's always, 'What's Amy doing now?', 'Is she able to work in her new office?' 'Her eyes are so beautiful, she's so beautiful'. Oh God, this has to stop.

I feel bad for ignoring her. It's the second time, and again, not her fault.

I try to focus on my work, but she keeps popping up in the middle. Her thoughts, I mean. The more I block them, the more they appear. In the end, I give up and continue working, her a constant in my mind.

When it's lunchtime, my phone rings. It's Amy. I let it ring, but when she keeps calling, I reluctantly pick up.




It's silent for a while. Then suddenly, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I cut the call.

And not even five minutes later, she barges into my room, her glare enough to bury an alive man. Avanti enters behind her, desperately trying to stop her.

"Sir, I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't budge."

"It's okay, you can get out now, Avanti." Amy glares at her.

After she goes, she directs her glare on me. "You doofus! Tell me what did I even do! Why are you ignoring me?"

"I think it's for the best, Amy."

"The best?! You don't get to decide that-"

My phone rings. It's mum, but I pretend it's some employee.

"Hello? There's a problem? Okay, I'll be there in two."

I fake an apologetic smile at Amy and go out.

. . .

In the evening, when I'm about to leave the office, Avanti enters.

"Sir, about earlier, I'm really sorry. She wouldn't listen to me!"

"It's not a big deal. It's okay."

She smiles. "By the way, who is she to you?"


"Oh, I know how to put bitches in their place, " she shrugs and smirks at me.

I look at her passively for a while. "You're fired."

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