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I frown. "What happened?"

She smiles. "Nothing, Jai."

I shut the door behind me and hold her face in my hands, rubbing her cheek with my thumb. "What's wrong, Amy. You know you can tell me anything, right?"

She leans into my touch, before nodding her head.

"Then tell me."

She huffs. "It's nothing, Jai. Today I was free, right? So I just thought of searching you up. And there were so many pictures! And a few of them from the hospital as well. You know, taken when Rupali was admitted. You looked so sad. Like, one could see the grief on your face. Swollen eyes, dark circles, the stubble on your jaw. And it made me sad. I couldn't see you like that. I wish you never ever get sad. Because you deserve happiness. Lots of it. And I will try my best to give that to you."

I can only stare at this amazing girl standing in front of me, looking awkward and adorable as fuck.

"You cried for me?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

I don't give her a chance to reply, as I claim her lips in a searing and captivating kiss, pouring out all my feelings for her. And damn, are they deep. She returns it with equal fervor.

After a while, I pull back and stare at her. Damn, I could stare at her all day. She is perfect. Her eyes, her eyes, that cute button nose, her cheeks which are now flushed because of the kiss and those perfect lips. And I find her doing the same.

"You are beautiful. Perfect. Amazing, " I breathe.

She blushes and my grin widens.

"Okay, let's watch the movie?" she asks, as she sits down on the couch, in front of the T.V. I copy her.

"Which movie?"

"The Lion King, " she answers with a proud grin on her face.

"I love that movie! Let's start watching it now!"

She chuckles and starts the movie. I grab the popcorn bucket from the kitchen and sit down next to her. She immediately snuggles up to me. I wrap an arm around her and hold the bucket in the other.

As the movie isn't like the normal three hours, Amy announces that we are going to watch another movie.

But halfway through, she falls asleep, her head on my shoulder. I keep the bucket away and get up slowly, careful not to wake her, and switch the T.V. off.

Okay, now what?

You are supposed to leave Jai.

Yeah, but I don't want to.

Oh, why is that?

I like her. Also, think about it. She is asleep. So she won't be able to lock the door if I go. And she will be alone. So I'm staying.


The next day, I wake up to someone faintly moving their finger over my face. And I know it's Amy. I pretend to be asleep. Her finger glides past my forehead, down my nose and when it reaches my lips, I open my mouth and bite down on it. I'm rewarded with her gasp.

"You scared me!" she accuses.

I laugh at her and peck her lips. And then, I realize our position. We are still on the couch and as there isn't much place, our bodies are plastered together, my hand on her hip and hers on my chest. Amy seems to realize it too because she starts blushing and then quickly gets up.

"I'm going to the washroom."

I sit up and chuckle. Chicken.

Yesterday was really good. Even though we didn't talk much, it felt peaceful and normal. Normal, after so long. Amy makes me feel normal. And happy. How she put up with my grieving ass for so long is a wonder.

She is really kind. And beautiful. And cute. And strong. And her smile makes my day.

She comes back, so I head to the washroom, still thinking. When I come back with a made up mind, she is in the kitchen.


She turns to me and smiles. "Yeah?"

I go to her and kiss her forehead. "Go on a date with me?"

Her eyes widen before a breathtaking smile takes up her features, bringing a smile on my face as well.


So... YAYYY!

Who is excited for the next chapter? I am!!

Thank you for reading! Means a lot to me.

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