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Three months later.

The past three months passed by real quick.

Aditya's love towards his family has increased exponentially! He always showers their faces with kisses, claiming to be a really lucky guy and what not. Honestly, it has become irksome even to Tara but she doesn't complain.

I spent a lot of time with them, especially Rupali. Whenever I go to their house, she instantly recognizes me and flashes that cute dimpled smile that can melt rocks even.

Looking at her, I'm always reminded of my Rupali and her incomplete sentence. She always loved children and couldn't wait to have her own someday. She was always happy when children were around.

Me? Quite the contrary. I disliked them. They are good only when they are smiling and giggling. Not when they are crying and puking.

My relationship with Amy has improved. A lot. Who knew I would find such a nice friend in her? Every Saturday night, we go to the lakeside and while I narrate stories about Rupali, and laugh and cry, she listens. She understands. And she doesn't judge.

In the beginning, it was difficult. To talk. To share stories. I couldn't even get my voice out. It was suffocating. My eyes would be burning due to the continuous crying I would do. I would have to force the words out of me. But gradually, the pain reduced. Not stopped. It still hurts. But a lot lesser.

And that's exactly what we are doing now- near the lake on a Saturday night, ice cream tubs in hand.

This is nice. The calm atmosphere. The occasional cool breeze. The ice cream tub in my hand. It helps. I tell her exactly that.

"I know, " she says. "This is exactly what my friends and I would do when anyone of us would have a breakup."

I frown. "This makes me feel feminine now."

She throws her head back and laughs. I smile.

"You know, I feel acceptance is hard. Very hard. I can't bring myself to accept that Rupali won't be there with me. Ever."

"That's why they say moving on is hard Jai."

I smile. A rueful one.

"But you should know that nothing is permanent. Not you. Not me. Everyone born, has to face change. One day or another. You shouldn't resist it because the more you resist, the sadder you grow. Embrace it. I know it's hard.

"Don't build walls around yourself. Everyone deserves happiness, you are no exception. If you are so closed off, how can you ever be happy? Give them a chance. Who knows, maybe they are your key to happiness? Don't live in the past. It's already over. You can't change it. Not one bit. Don't think about it because then, you will ruin your present and your future as well.

"Take every day as a fresh start. I know you are trying. And I know you are getting there. You no longer talk to Rupali's pictures. You no longer have her photos all over your apartment. You no longer wish for her to be there with you.

"How do I know that you ask? I know because now you can hold conversations about her easily. Three months ago, you would cry. Very easily. I've seen you cry over her so many times, even when you were reliving a happy memory. You would cry because you wished she would be here with you.

"But now? You smile as you speak about her. You cry a lot lesser. And even though you say acceptance is hard, I can see that you have learned to accept. A little at least. And I know that you are getting there. Or maybe you've already reached there, but your mind doesn't want to accept that; it wants to hold on to the grieving, the sense of loss. But you'll get there eventually don't worry," she smiles encouragingly.

"Wow. Why didn't you become a counselor?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. She's got beautiful eyes. Catlike.

We continue sitting there, eating the ice cream. This time it's chocolate.

Suddenly, I get an idea. "Are you free tomorrow afternoon? "

"Yeah, why?"

"I want to take you somewhere. We'll go at one okay? Wear something casual."

"Is this a date?" she asks teasingly.

"Oh please." I roll my eyes, but I can't suppress the smile on my lips.

I was not supposed to update but I couldn't resist! So how was it ( I know it's short)?

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