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The afternoon rays almost pierce through my curtains, successfully waking me up. I open my eyes, they are puffy and red. I keep the photo of Rupali I hugged to my chest as I slept, on the bed and go take a shower.

It makes me feel better. I head to the kitchen and prepare a quick brunch and a cup of coffee. I sit on the dining table and eat while watching Rupali's photo that is sitting on the table.

It's a candid picture, but beautiful nonetheless. Hell, she would look beautiful even if she was covered in trash.

It's painful to look at the picture. It's painful that she isn't here with me now. It's painful that she won't be with me, ever.

My thoughts are broken by the doorbell. When I am about to stand up to go open the door, Amy walks in.
"Hey, the door was open. Hope I'm not interrupting." She says.

"No, I was just having food. Come in."

She sits next to me. The picture catches her eye, and she stares at it for a long while before saying "She was so pretty!"

I smile a rueful one. "I know."

"When was this picture taken?"

"It was when she was laughing at one of Aditya's dumb jokes. No one laughed when he said it, only she did. I like to think that she laughed out of pity."

"Tell me about her?"

I nod eagerly.

"She was so simple, yet stunning. She didn't wear makeup at all. But still, she stood out, like a dove in a flock of pigeons.

"Perfect. That's the best word to describe her. I know no one's perfect, but she's the closest to it. She was intelligent, funny, adorable and kind. Her attitude was what drove people to her. Everyone only had praises for her. But she didn't let it get to her head. And that's one of the million reasons why I loved her so much.
She loved animals. Dogs were her absolute favorite.
I had planned on getting her a dog as a wedding gift. But I guess God had some other plans..."

My throat tightens, and my eyes burn with unshed tears. I can't continue. I'll die from the pain I feel in my chest.

"It'll be okay Jai. Let out all the feelings you've bottled up for over four years. "

A tear rolls down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away.

"Tell me a good memory. Of you and her. It'll help, " she consoles.

I take a deep breath and think for a while.

"There are so many! All the time spent with her were good. But I guess this is my ultimate favorite. This happened like so many years ago. Before we even made it official. During the initial days, she used to hate me. She would try to avoid me. But I kept following her like a lovesick puppy, which I was in a way.

"I would pick her up, carry her bag to her class for her- despite her protests, eat lunch with her, and drop her back home. She would be so irritated!
But after a while, three months probably, things changed. She started being friendly to me, would smile at me and laugh at my jokes. Slowly, we grew closer. We both liked each other but didn't confess. And then one day..."


She had opted for medicine.
My doctor Rupali. I would always be her patient.

Only, she was studying veterinary.

One evening, I was waiting for her to come, by the car lot. She came almost an hour later. And she looked tired.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"It's so hectic! There's so much to study. Just take me home."

When we arrived at her house, it was locked.

Rupali was frustrated, I could tell. So, I offered to take her to my house.

"My parents won't be home now. But I have the key. We'll go?" I asked uncertainly.


When we reached home, I gave her my plain grey T-shirt and white shorts to change into. I quickly changed and went into the kitchen to prepare some chamomile tea.

"Hey, all this was not needed."

I turned around and looked at her. She looked adorable.

The shirt was too big for her and came mid-thigh. The shorts were probably tied at the waist in a tight big knot. There's no other way it could fit her so well. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun.

"It is needed. This tea will make you feel better, I swear. And we could watch a movie while we sip this tea, what say?"

She gave me a tired smile and nodded.

I poured the tea in two cups and asked her to follow me. I opened my laptop and pressed play on 'The Vow'. I knew that it was her favorite movie.

What? I've done my research on her.

"The Vow? I love this movie!" she squealed.

I smiled at her. We started watching the movie. And I had to accept that it was pretty good. Rupali was so engrossed in the movie, even though I know that she has watched it at least fifty times.

There was no sound, except for the movie. Blissful. That's what it was.

"I love this so much!" she sighed sleepily when the movie ended.

The empty cups now lay on the nightstand. I reminded myself to take it downstairs later.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"Good! Thank you so much Jai." she smiled. A yawn escaped her lips.

I chuckled. "You should sleep for a while. I'll wake you up and drop you to your house later if you want."

She nodded and laid down on the bed.

I pulled the covers over her and decided to let her sleep. But when I stood, she held my hand.

"Stay with me," she whispered, sleep lacing her words.

I sat back down and pushed back stray hair strands from her face.

"Jai?" she murmured.


She took my hand in hers and pressed a kiss on it. "I like you. So much! I guess... I guess I love you."

With that she went back to sleep,  leaving me with a shocked mind, and a wildly beating heart.

End of flashback.

By now, I've stopped wiping my tears. They are flowing freely now.

Amy takes my hand in hers and caresses it.

"Aren't you feeling better now? After talking about it? "

"Yes, it kinda does," I say. "But it hurts that I won't be able to look at her ever again."

"It's okay, Jai. Healing takes time."

I nod agreeing.


Thank you for the read.  😘

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