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Anger surges through my body.

Control Jai.

"What did he do?" I can hear the anger in my voice, but I don't care.

"H-He came into my cabin in the evening and tried to persuade me again. He does it every day, you know? And so I didn't care. I told him the same thing I repeat every day - that I'm not interested. But today, he looked angry. All the patience he had was gone. The adoring look in his eyes was replaced by anger. He was instantly in my personal space. I told him to back off, Jai, but, but he wouldn't listen! He wasn't the Yash I knew. He had transformed into a monster! He pinned me against the wall, ignoring all my threats and..." she's crying now.

"And what?" I growl.

"And he kissed me."

I shoot up from the couch and start pacing around with my hands in my hair.

"Forcefully. I tried to push him away but with every push, he pulled me closer, until I kicked him in his jewels and ran away."

"How dare he do that?!" my voice has become rough and unrecognizable now. All the words that come out of my mouth are in growls.

Wait. What if I'm a werewolf?

Shut up, you idiot! How dare he kiss Amy? He can't do it! That asshole! He can go kiss any woman, but not Amy. He can't!

"Jai!" Amy screams and runs over to me, examining my knuckles. That's when I realize that I punched the wall. I feel the pain now. But my knuckles are not broken. I'm used to it. Kickboxing and all.

I take my hand out of hers and hold her face in my hands. "Are you okay? Sorry, wrong question. Obviously, you're not. I'll kill that guy!"

I wrap my arms around her and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

What do I do? I'll not allow that guy around Amy.

But she works for him.

So what? She'll find another job. I'll make sure of that. But there's no way in hell I'm allowing her near that guy.

I pull away. "Amy, you know what? You need to quit the job."

She looks shocked, like she hadn't considered that at all, which causes me to be shocked.

"What? No! How will I pay the bills then?"

"You'll get another job, or better, I can help you. Don't tell me you were planning on continuing to work under a guy who forced himself on you!"

She thinks for a while and then nods her head in understanding. "Yeah, I'm going to quit."

Thank God.

"Okay, call him now."

He picks on the first ring itself. Before she can speak, he speaks up. "Amy, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that. I'm so ashamed of myself right now! But can we just forget what happened and move on? A fresh start, maybe? I love you, Amy. I really love you."

The hope in his voice is disgusting.

I take the phone from her hand. "You're right. A fresh start. Move on. That's exactly what she'll do. A fresh start, without you."

"What? Who are you? You don't get to rule over her, okay?"

"I'll do whatever I want. And what I want is you to stay away from her."

He exhales deeply. And then, in a calmer voice continues, "Listen, you're Jai, right? Listen Jai, and try to understand, okay? We, that is, Amy and me, belong together. We're meant to be. So you're kind of ruining the picture, you get it?"

I grit my teeth. This guy need help. Mental help. "There's no picture, you asshole! There's no picture!"

Amy takes the phone from my hands and places her hand on my jaw, in an attempt to calm me down, but calm is the last thing I want to be.

"Relax Jai. I'll speak to him. You. Stay. Here. Understood?"


She shuts me up with a stern look. I give up and sigh exasperatedly.

She goes to her room, while I continue pacing around the living room, tugging my hair to a point where I get scared they may fall off.

She comes back, after a lot of time, but when she does, she's smiling.

"He agreed, right?"

"He did."

And I finally breathe.

"You're giving the resignation tomorrow, right?"


"I'll drop you."

"But where will I go later?"

"Um, you could come with me to my office?"

Her eyes light up with happiness. "Okay! I'm finally going to the office of my favorite clothing store!"

I chuckle. "It isn't an amusement park, Amy, "


She's so adorable. I ruffle her hair.

"I'll reschedule some of the meetings then."

She nods with a smile.


This was updated much, much earlier than expected, but I COULDN'T CONTROL MYSELF, OKAY?

Thank you for reading! :*

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