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The next few days, I avoid Amy. At all costs. I don't respond to her texts, I don't pick her calls, and I also ignore her calling out my name in the hallways each morning. She shouldn't have hidden that from me!

And damn you Jai, why did you have to get the chain for her? There's the boyfriend for that. But where was he all these days?

He must have asked her out when I went to Canada.

And here I thought she must've missed me. The thought earns a scoff from me.

I shake my head. I can't get distracted by silly thoughts. I have a company to look after. The work has increased nowadays, but nothing Jai Khurrana can't handle.

If Amy would've been here, she would have scoffed at my cockiness.

Well, there goes my plan of keeping her out of my mind.

When I lock the door and go out into the hallway, Amy calls out again. "Jai! Good morning!"

With a "hm", I resume my walk.

I step into the elevator, and today, she also steps in. I roll my eyes and pull out my phone and start scrolling through pictures in my gallery. Childish, I know, but I do it anyway.

I can feel her glare, but I ignore that as well. With a huff, she pulls my phone away.

"Hey!" I reach out, but she holds it away from me.

"Oh, you do not want to play this Amy," I challenge.

"I know, Jai! But please listen to me!" she pleads.

"Okay fine."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"I've been hearing this from so many days," I deadpan and roll my eyes at her.

She narrows her eyes at me, hands on her hips.

"What's wrong with you? You don't get to give me this attitude okay? I could've done the same. Remember when you didn't tell me your profession? I could've ignored you but I didn't! You know why? It's because I value you in my life, Jai! You're important to me. So important that I was willing to keep my stupid bruised ego aside for you! But it's not the same for you, is it?"

That's when I realize how foolish I'd been. She's right. I should have listened to her, and not sulk like a kid. I finally meet her eyes, hers angry; mine sorry.

"Why was he outside your house with a bouquet of flowers then?"

My phone ringing interrupts her. I take the phone from her hand. It's Shlok.

"Jai, you're late for the meeting! Come as fast as you can!"

My eyes widen. "Shoot okay! I'll be there in five."

I look at the floor number on top of the elevator. It shows number four, and I live on the fifth floor. How?

I turn to look at Amy. She has a sheepish grin on her face.

"What do you know that I don't?" I ask.

"We had reached the parking lot a while back, and the elevator doors had opened, but I wanted to finish this topic once and for all. So I closed them again and took us back to our floor. And you didn't even realize it!" her grin turns into a smirk.

I groan and quickly press the button for the parking lot.

"Jai, I'll explain everything in the evening, okay? You have a meeting now, don't get distracted. All you need to know is, one, I didn't hide anything from you, and two, you need to learn to keep your ego aside."

And like it's a movie, the doors open and she steps out like the female lead in a really dramatic scene.

I follow soon, for the meeting.

. . . .

I return in the evening, tired as hell but my mind is anything but tired. When I reach her door, it's locked. I decide to freshen up, and then head to her house.

After a shower, I quickly wear my black T-shirt and sweatpants and open the door to go to her house, but when I do, a sobbing Amy runs past me, and without even noticing me, rushes to her door, unlocks it and runs inside.

I inhale sharply. What's wrong? I take a few steps towards her house, but then decide to give her a little space.

Sighing, I go back to my apartment and decide to have my dinner early.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.

After a lot of internal debate, I settle on pasta for dinner.

Just as I begin, an ear-piercing scream is heard from Amy's house.


Ugh, short chapter I know. Thanks for reading!

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