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After the conversation with Jai, I find myself grinning like a fool. The type of grin that never leaves your face no matter what.

"Why are you so smiley today?" My friend Keerthi asks.

"Jai," I answer in a single word.

"Oh, that guy! He always seems to put you in a good mood, doesn't he?"

I smile. "He really does. Not only mine, but he also manages to bring a smile on everyone's faces. It's unfortunate that life had a tragic way with him. He's getting better now, and for that I'm glad."

"Why are you glad?" I hear the familiar, obnoxious voice of my boss. Oh, how much I dislike him.

Scratch that. How much I hate him.

I smile sweetly at him. "Nothing, Sir. It's a nice day, isn't it? "

"Oh, here we go again. Call me Yash. Not Sir. And to answer your question, yes it indeed is a nice day, and you look beautiful as ever."

I try hard not to roll my eyes. "Okay Yash, I have to go to my cabin. Bye."

"See you later, beautiful!" I hear his voice call out.

I roll my eyes. The entire office knows that Yash, my boss, had a thing for me.

When I had first joined the office, we started off as friends. Best friends, even. He was a gentleman. Always helping me with things. Every day when I entered my cabin, he would be there, two cups of coffee in hand. It didn't matter that he was my boss. We hung out like friends. That is until one day, when I went to my cabin, I found him with not only coffee, but also a bouquet of flowers and a card professing his undying love for me. To say I was shocked would be an understatement! The lingering touches, and the extra smiles finally made sense. I politely refused, saying I wasn't ready for a relationship, which was partly true.

After that day, I maintained my distance. I went to the office when most of them arrived, so I wouldn't be alone with him. I stopped having lunch with him, and instead went with Keerthi.

Clearly, the guy didn't get the memo. His interference in every conversation of mine is proof enough. The cup of coffee still sits on my desk every morning. Thankfully, he isn't there as I arrive late.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a hopeless romantic, squealing at all mushy and gushy things, but a guy needs to stop when he has to stop.

I huff as I see the cup of coffee again. Though I'm fed up with his acts, I would never want to waste a cup of this divine coffee he orders specially for himself and me.

The guy is just infatuated, I'm telling you. Maybe it's the idea of dating a girl from another country, or something similar to that. There's no way in hell that is love. I know what love is. I know how it feels. And this guy is miles away from it.

Sighing in content as the coffee hits my taste buds, I sit down to plan the design of yet another bungalow.

After about three hours, Yash enters my cabin. "Are you done with the bungalow, Amy?" He's standing too close for my liking.

I take a step back, handing over the blue print to him. "Yeah, Sir."

"Just on time like always. Good job, Amy. But I have a complaint."

I frown. "What?"

"Why do you keep calling me Sir? We used to be friends, right? You didn't have a problem back then. Why now?"

I squirm under his stare. "Um, I think we need to be in a professional relationship here. That's all."

"That's fine. I understand your thinking. But know, that I'm not only your Sir. You can call me anything." With a caress on my cheek and a smile, he goes away.

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