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"Here's your drink, Sir, " the waiter places the glass in front of me.

I gulp it down immediately and order another one. This process goes on, for I don't know how long, but I know I'm muttering gibberish and laughing hysterically when a bartender calls for a taxi and sends me home, while looking at me sympathetically and saying, "Take care, Sir. Don't worry. Your misery will come to an end. Go home and sleep okay?" I guess he pays the driver as well.

I smile cheekily and wave at him like a small kid in the school bus, waving at his mom.

I trudge up the stairs of my apartment, a little sober.

I open the door and I am greeted by Rupali's beautiful smiling face. I feel a sharp tug in my heart.

"Hey. I have bad news. It's terrible,  actually. Tara is going through labor. She's having some complications."

There is no change in her expression.

"The doctors say any one is going to survive."

Her expression is still the same- smiling.

"Aditya is so sad. He's crying buckets. Even as we speak right now, he is crying and she is suffering."

Still no change.

"Say something Rupali."


"Say something dammit!"


In anger and frustration, I kick the flower vase beside me. It falls to the floor with a loud shattering sound.

It's shattered. Just like me.

"Speak Rupali, TALK TO ME! I can't bear the silence anymore. It's killing me!" I cry out loud.

And then, I break down, for the second time in four hours. It's midnight. My voice is the only sound I hear. But I can't bring myself to care right now. I cry because the reality is too bitter to bear. I don't know for how long I sit there, near the door and weep.

"Jai. Get up."

I stand abruptly. And turn around. And come face to face with Amy.

"Amy? What are you doing here? Shit, I was too loud, wasn't I? I'm so sorry! I won't disturb you again. You go and sleep. Goodnight, " I speak quickly,  embarrassed. Now I realize that I actually have a neighbor.

She shakes her head.

"I'm not going anywhere. Look at you! I can't and I won't leave you. Listen, I always knew you were going through something bad. But I didn't know it was this terrible."

"You knew? How come?"

"It's not too hard to guess. You would have this rueful smile on your face sometimes when we spoke as if remembering something precious to you. "

I sigh.

"Want to talk about it? It helps a lot." Amy suggests.

My first instinct is to say 'No! I would never!' but then I contemplate her suggestion. Talking about it is better than crying the night away.

"Not here, " I say, my voice shaky.

"I know a place. Let's go."

She goes to her apartment and returns with car keys and two boxes of ice cream. Vanilla flavor.

The ride isn't very short. We ride past all the buildings and the city.

After a while, she stops the car. I get down and look around. It's a quiet and secluded place, away from the city. There are a lot of trees around.

"Come on, " she pulls me.

We walk for around five minutes.

"Here we are, look!"

I look and my eyes widen.

There isn't much. It is simple, yet stunning.

Even after being in this place my entire life, I hadn't seen this place.

"Come, sit."

I see that Amy has already spread out a blanket. I sit down and grab a box of ice cream and a spoon.

"This place is beautiful," I say.

And it is.

We are like, surrounded by trees. You look front - trees and you look back - trees. But in the middle, there is a small lake, with clear water, mirroring the star-studded night sky.

But the best part - fireflies.

There are fireflies on the opposite side, creating a breathtaking view. One can just stare at this place all day.  It's that beautiful.

"Remember I said I went exploring the other day? Well, I stumbled across this place that time. It was so beautiful and peaceful, sans the fireflies of course. One night, I was really frustrated and so, I came here. I was stunned at its beauty at night! So, I started to come here, whenever I wanted some solace and solitude. This place never disappoints." Amy says.

We fall into a comfortable silence. It isn't exactly comfortable, but I try to make it into one, as I dig into the ice cream.

I can sense her expectant eyes on me. She's waiting for me to tell her.

So, I begin.

I know it's a short one, but how is it?

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