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It's a Saturday morning and my face is covered with the biggest grin ever, as I knock on Amy's door and then push it open and go to her room. I'm greeted by an... unusual sight. Amy's standing in the middle of the room, absolute shock and embarrassment written on her face, as she clutches the only clothing on her body, which happens to be a dark red towel.

I feel my cheeks burning hot, and my breaths coming out short. My mind is screaming at me to look away, but I can't. I know it's wrong to say this way as she's my friend, but I'm transfixed by her beauty. Her hair is wet and beads of water droplets are lazily rolling down her pale skin, which is highlighted by the towel. Her cheeks are tinged red.

I force myself to look at the amazing collection of books she has in her room.

This is so awkward! To reduce it a little, I clear my throat, the same time Amy clears her throat, and the awkwardness increases.

"Um, I'll be waiting outside?" I ask, still not looking at her.


I run outside and sit on the couch.

Why did you go there unannounced, you idiot!

I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

After a while, Amy walks into the living room, avoiding looking into my eyes. "You wanted to say something?"

At this, my smile returns. "Yeah! I'm taking you somewhere."


"Now." I pull her by her hand, out of her apartment, to the parking lot and force her into the passenger seat.

"Woah, slowly. Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"We're going to your office again?" she asks as I drive near my office.

"No, somewhere close."

I park the car in front of a newly constructed building. The ground floor is already occupied by a law firm. The first floor is where we are heading to. It is plain as of now as it's newly constructed, but it won't be for long with the plan I have in mind.

"What's this?" Amy asks.

I dig for the key in my jeans pocket and unlock the door. It's empty and painted a light shade of white. There are a lot of windows, making it look spacious and warm. Amy enters first and looks around, taking all in curiously.

"You like it?" I ask.

She looks around a little more and then nods her head. "I like it. It's nice."

"Well, it's yours then, " I shrug.

She whips her head in my direction so fast, I'm scared her neck is injured.

"Woah, slowly."

"What do you mean mine?"

"It's for your own, personal office, " I explain.

"Listen Jai, you may be rich. But I'm not with you for your money."

I can tell she's irritated. So, I hold her by her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down.

"Stop! I know you're not a gold digger. I'm giving this to you because I want to. You mean a lot to me, okay?"

Her eyes soften. "But this isn't something, Jai. It's an entire office."

"I think you're exaggerating it. You deserve it, okay? You won't have to listen to anyone now. You're your own boss. And you can design this however you want. Paint, furniture, everything."

She looks at me passively for a while, before throwing her arms around me.

"Thank you, Jai. This means so much to me!" she sniffles. Then she pulls away. Her eyes are filled with happiness and eagerness. "Can we start designing this now?"

"Okay, we'll get the paints and stuffs then?"


We spend the entire day painting her new office. When we decide it's enough work for the day, the time is nine in the evening.

Three of the walls are painted a really light shade of grey. There wasn't much to paint because the windows took up much place. She told me she likes her walls to be light coloured. And the other wall, which doesn't have any windows, is painted a light mauve color, because apparently, that wall reminds me of her, as my conpany's name is Mauve.

I mean, how cute is that?

Our clothes are paint stained and even though we're tired, we're refreshed and happy.

Amy lays down on the hardwood floor, which again, is a light hardwood color, and sighs. "I'm so happy!"

I sit down beside her. "I know! We have to buy the plants, furniture, and also decide what color curtains and carpet we need. There's so much work for us!"

She sits up. "For us?"

I smile at her. "For us."

"Thank you once again, Jai. I don't know what I would do without you."

I dip my finger in the mauve paint and smear it on her nose. "Don't get emotional now."

She glares at me and before she can open her mouth, I stand up. "We should probably get going. It's late. We can eat out."

She nods. "Tomorrow is the lunch, right?"

Before I can answer her, my phone rings, and it's mum. I show her the phone and answer it.

"Yes mum, I remember about the lunch. And Amy has agreed to come."

"Okay, " she cuts the call.

"We'll decide the curtains and other things tomorrow?" Amy asks and I agree with her.

"Okay, let's go now."

. . . .

The next morning, we meet up to finalise all the things, and decide to get all of them tomorrow. I literally had no other work, other than nodding at what she had to say. Because Amy is really good at designing and stuff.

When we finish everything, it's eleven a.m.

"We'll get ready to go then?"

"Yeah, okay. And thanks for helping me out."

"Don't mention it ever again, okay? And if you want any help, don't hesitate to ask me. And now, your office is in a walkable distance from mine!" I grin at her. "And for the lunch, dress casual. There's no need at all for dressing up. Mum will love you, don't worry."

"Okay, now let me get ready. Bye." she pushes me out of the door.


Eh, I have nothing to say, except THANK YOU FOR READING TILL HERE! ❤

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