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"In my entire twenty-eight years of existence, I've only loved one girl. Rupali. We went to the same school. I'd liked her the moment I saw her, thirteen years ago. She was giggling at something her best friend Tara was saying. It was so mesmerizing, you know?

"Her eyes twinkled and her smile almost reached her ears. Her light brown hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, which swayed as she walked.

"Back then, I didn't know who she was or what was her name. I would follow her and stare at her. Always. I felt like a creep sometimes, but I couldn't help it.

"Initially, I thought she was just a harmless crush. No surprises there, I  had a new one every month.
But when my infatuation with her didn't lessen even after six months, I knew I was in love. I didn't try to deny it. What was the use anyway? She was beauty with brains you know? Always acing her exams. I was proud of her.

"My family and my best friends- Aditya and Shlok knew of my new love interest. They all persuaded me to go speak to her.

"So one day, I mustered up the courage, went up to her and said "Hey. I'm Jai. You are the girl who ranks first every time right?"
She nodded her head.
"So . . . Will you go to the movies with me today evening?"
She knitted her eyebrows together and then shook her head and went away. I could only look on in shock. She rejected me! And she hadn't uttered a single word!

"That day was followed by me going to her, trying to speak to her and get her to be friends with me at least. But she would always ignore my presence. I would be very angry. She would speak and smile to anyone but me. Why would she do that?
This thought engulfed me, and  I did the most unbelievable thing- I pushed her into a nearby pond, startling the ducks swimming there!

"I was horrified. What had I done? I was about to ask for her forgiveness when she came up to me and spoke the very first words addressed to me - "You asshole!" and slapped me and stomped right off.

"Even though the words weren't the best, they were the first she had said to me. So, I treasured it."

I can feel my throat tightening, and tears brimming in my eyes.
My voice is thick with emotion as I continue.

"That day was like a Eureka! moment for me. She had noticed me! And she actually spoke. So, I continued hurting her. I pushed her, stole her assignments, and played other rude pranks on her. It was painful to see her cry, but it was my last resort. So, I continued it for two years.

"I was getting tired of this. She hated me. So, I thought of putting an end to all this. But when I went to college that day, she was already gone! From the college, from the town and from my damn life!

"I was depressed. I got angry. Drunk. Got involved in fights and what not.
I thought I'll never see her again.

"One day, I was just walking into my Mum's bakery, when I bumped into someone. That, someone, turned out to be Rupali! She had come back.
My Rupali had come back after two painfully long years!
It was shocking. A good kind of shock.

"She recognized me right away but didn't speak. She ignored me. That was obvious, wasn't it? She hated me. I couldn't expect her to smile and hug me.

"But I knew that this time I wasn't letting her go. I would do all that it takes to make her my girlfriend. She didn't make it easy, no, she didn't. But eventually, after one whole year of chasing her, she forgave me.

"It was all sunshine and rainbows when we started dating, and it continued to be throughout. Every day I found myself thanking the Gods. We started dating when we were nineteen years of age.

"On her twenty-fourth birthday, and our fifth year together, I proposed her for marriage, and she accepted! My happiness knew no bounds that night. We got engaged that night itself. "

I don't realize I'm crying until a drop of tear falls on my hand. I wipe it away.

Sighing deeply, I scoop another spoon of ice cream and shove it in my mouth.

Amy places her hand on my shoulder, reassuringly.

I nod at her, thankful.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This part is the most painful one.

"The next night, that is the night after our engagement and her birthday, Rupali insisted that we celebrate again. I tried to convince her, but the damn girl is so stubborn, I tell you! She kept asking and I reluctantly agreed.

"She wanted to go to the movies and then dine in her favorite restaurant, and because I was a besotted idiot, I agreed. I freaking agreed, Amy!
I deeply regret it.

"On the way back home, we met with a fatal accident. Our car was hit by a truck, which was coming on the wrong lane.

"It all happened in slow motion. One second, we are laughing and smiling, so happy and content with our lives, ready to take our relationship to the next level, and the next second, we meet with an accident so fatal...It's really difficult to believe!

"As the truck was on her side, she received most of the damages. When our vehicles collided, I was still conscious. But she wasn't. I was conscious- though in excruciating pain- even when they rescued us. I kept looking at her, waiting for her to open her eyes.

"Both of us were admitted in the hospital, and while I was discharged with a broken leg, a broken arm and a few bruises, Rupali didn't even get to open her eyes.

"I waited patiently. For her to wake up. The doctors told that she was in a coma, and her state was worsening. I still waited. Waited for her to wake up, open her eyes, claim it was a prank, and laugh at me. But she never did.

"She died four months after being admitted, all the while being in a coma."

Whew! Another chapter.

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