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The next two months pass in a blur. Nothing extraordinary or life-changing happens. It's the same.

It's like I follow a routine. Wake up, go to the office, come back late at night, have a quick dinner with Rupali, go to sleep. By going to sleep, I mean sleep for a few hours until I wake up, drenched in sweat and breathing like I've been running continuously. After that, I can never go back to sleep. Never. So, I just lay there and continue to stare at the ceiling. As I stare, I remember that I have to decorate the ceiling. But that thought is forgotten in the day due to the hectic schedule at the office.

Amy has become a good friend now. We bond over many things, one thing being our love for coffee. We talk a lot, preferring to keep it light- about our favorites, happy memories, and others.

Aditya has announced another barbecue party this weekend. Even though Aditya is the most immature guy you'll find, he organizes the best parties. Like, you just automatically become so happy, and carefree and forget about your worries. Or maybe it's the vibes they give off.

Aditya and Tara have been happily married for four years. They started dating two years after Rupali and me. When they first made it official, all of us were stunned, because come on, Tara is a really serious girl and Aditya is a dumbass. Now when you see them, they look so perfect together. I guess love really changes people. Like I changed, I smile.

My phone rings. It's Aditya.

"Hey man. What's up?" I ask.

"You and Shlok are helping me for the barbecue party, " he declares.

"Wait! I never agreed on this!"

"You have to. Tara is expecting anytime now. So you better come and help me set this up."

I sigh, defeated. "Okay fine."


And he disconnects.


. . . .

Today is Saturday. Yeah, today is the day Aditya is hosting the party.

Turns out he was serious about us helping him. He had already called my assistant to notify her of my absence.
Apparently, I'm too sick to even move from my bed.

I didn't even know hosting a party was this difficult. Or maybe this guy is purposely making us work like donkeys.

Looks like this is gonna take forever!

. . . .

The evening is perfect. All the hardworking definitely paid off. It's cool outside. There's a lot of food, alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks as well.
There are like fifteen people and the food is obviously too much, but who's complaining?

More the food, greater the mood, right?

Hey! That rhymed!

"May I get your attention everyone?" Aditya speaks up, Tara beside him.

I and Shlok straighten up and look at him.

"We just wanted to thank you all for coming here and joining us in this happy evening. You all really mean a lot to us and Vihaan- who is sleeping right now. Hope you enjoy-"

Tara's screams interrupt Aditya's speech. We all stand up and look at her in alarm.

And then there's a loud gasp.

"Adi! My water bag broke!"

Aditya curses under his breath. "Don't worry! I'll just get the bag and Vihaan, and then we'll leave to the hospital okay? You've done this once, remember? No need to panic."

Soon, the pains start and Tara nods through the pain.

"I'll get the car," I go.

"I'll come with." Shlok follows.
It's funny to watch this guy. He's dazed, not knowing what is happening.

Tara continues to scream and howl. Aditya rushes out with the bag and a sleepy Vihaan, who perks up once he sees Tara. He rushes to her and starts cooing to her belly. "Relax baby. Mom is in pain. Relax."

We smile at that. Even Tara does. But that doesn't lessen her pain.

I drive fast, knowing that if I don't, I'll probably get a punch from Aditya. Or Tara. Or both. Tara keeps screaming about how the baby better be grateful to her.

We reach the hospital in fifteen minutes, and she is rushed into a stretcher and taken away. I sit outside with Shlok and Vihaan, while Aditya goes inside.

I'm not a big fan of hospitals. It is suffocating, but I try not to dwell on that.

After an hour, Aditya comes out sniffling.

"What's wrong?" we ask.

"Everything. Everything is wrong. The evening wasn't supposed to go like this. Tara is having some complications! The doctors say any one is going to survive. What do I do?" he cries. Shlok stands up and hugs him, but I can't. I'm frozen in my place.

All this is too familiar. All these hospital scenes, the crying, the helplessness, the insecurity, the fear, it's all very familiar.

I can't stay here anymore. I want to get out of here. I need to get out of here. So, I stand.

Aditya is crying and hugging Vihaan so tightly, it is pitiful to watch them. I go to him. "Aditya. Listen to me. Nothing will happen to them okay? Stay calm. How is she going to take it? You have to be strong. For her. For Vihaan. For your baby. Everything will be alright. But I can't stay here."
I shake my head. "No... I can't stay."

Shlok places his hand on my shoulder sympathetically.

"We understand, Jai," Aditya says.

And that's my cue. That's my cue to run away from the ugliest and the most depressing places on Earth. For me at least.

I run across the hallways, down the stairs, which are a lot, but that's not in my mind right now. I keep running.

I'm running because I want to. I want to run away from the haunted reality. Of what happened years ago, but is still clear as day in my mind.
The moment that changed my entire life.

They say you must not run away from reality. You will have to accept it one day. But chuck what people say! I will keep running from the truth, the bitter, bitter truth, for as long as I can, because I will be happy if I do it this way. Even though the happiness is temporary, I will run away.

And that's exactly what I do. I run out of the hospital. I don't stop until I feel my lungs will give out on me. I fall on my knees and cry. Cry because what happened wasn't fair in any way.

Rupali didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve it.

I cry because maybe, the reality has finally hit me square on the face.

I get up and head to the nearest bar. I sit in front of the counter and order the strongest alcohol they have. Tears are streaking down my face, wetting my cheeks, my shirt.

But I don't care about that. I don't care that people are staring at me. I don't care that my picture - with my messy face and teary, wild eyes and glistening cheeks- will be all over the internet tomorrow.

I don't, because the only thing I'm thinking about now, is what happened years ago. That life changes when you least expect it to. I'm thinking about the day I became poor, even after earning millions. The day I lost the one thing that meant the world to me.

The day Rupali lost her battle with death.

Aaah! Poor Jai. What do you think?
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