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So today I'm going to ask Amy to marry me.

To tell I'm nervous would be putting it mildly. I know for sure that she's going to accept my proposal, but I'm still nervous.

This time, I have a different way of popping the question, I just hope it doesn't backfire.

We've been speaking of us a lot lately. Living together, kids, a dog, marriage, everything, and the thoughts bring immense joy to my heart.

There's no doubt Amy is it for me. Her personality perfectly complements mine. Her shy nature to my cocky one. 

"Jai! Get your ass over here!" Amy's voice echoes through the apartment.

"Oh, bossy. I love it!" I call back, just to tease her.

When I reach her-well, our- room, she comes over and pulls me by my hand, not before giving me a death glare, near the wall.

When we were speaking of marriage and kids the other day, and I told, " I wonder what our children will draw on the wall." she groaned out loud. She hated it, apparently, and was desperately hoping our kids are like Vihaan- sensible.

So, to get her a little angry, I may or may not have done something on the wall...

"What the hell is this?" she asks hands on her hips.

I look at it. It's nothing much. Just a 'hi Amy' with a smiley.

"A message for you?" it comes off more like a question.

"A message? You idiot!" she hits my shoulder. "You knew I hate this! And you still did it!" she runs a hand through her hair.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd be that angry. I'll do something about it," I say and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Oh yeah? What will you do?"

"Um, paint it again?" I suggest.

She sighs and chuckles a bit. "I'll have to do something with this now."

"Are you seriously going to remove it? I did it with all my love for you," I pout.

She shakes her head at me. "Yes, I will."

"Oh. Um, okay then. I have some work to do. I'll be back later?" I tell her and pull her into a kiss before going out.

I really hope everything goes well.


After like, an hour of Jai leaving, and me trying every possible thing I know to remove the adorable message Jai left, there's a knock on the door. Thinking it's him, I open the door, but there's no one. Frowning, I look around and when I look down, there's a bamboo basket covered by a warm looking blanket. Who would have left it here?

I bend down and uncover the blanket and I almost squeal with joy. Because there's the cutest little golden retriever puppy, staring innocently back at me. I carefully take it out of the basket and hold it to my chest. The way it snuggles closer to me warms my heart.

"I wonder who left you here, " I coo in its ear.

I play with it for a while and then look into the basket for an explanatory note, but all I find is a pink colored note saying, 'rooftop?'

Curious, I head towards the elevator, the puppy still in my embrace.

When I reach the rooftop, the first thing that hits me is the evening breeze. The second thing that hits me is how dark it is. I mean, of course, it has to be, it's late evening now. It takes me a while to get adjusted to the darkness.

"Hello?" I call out.

And suddenly, all the lights are switched on and -what the hell- there are all our friends standing there- Aditya, Tara, Jai's parents, my parents and even Laura, with wide grins on their faces.

I raise my eyebrow at them, waiting for an explanation. Laura comes to me and carefully takes the puppy from me, and smiles reassuringly at me.

And suddenly, Jai appears with a smile on his face.

Okay, now I definitely know where this is going. I cover my mouth with my hands, to cover the sob that's threatening to come out and also to hide my agape mouth. Jai comes to me and slowly takes my hands away, holding it in his.

"Amy, you've been nothing but a blessing to me ever since you moved in next door. Well, except that time when you accidentally added salt to my coffee." Everyone laughs. "But apart from that, your appearance in my life timely, so perfect and clearly made by God. You're a kind, intelligent, funny and a loving woman and I'm glad I get to love you.

"People may feel that all this between us, it's going fast, but for us, it's perfect. It's simple. When you find the woman you've been searching for, put a ring on it and make her yours. So Amy, " he bends down on one knee and pulls out a ring. "Will you marry me and build a home with me?"

"Yes!" I sob and he immediately pushes the ring onto my finger, stands up and pulls me into a kiss.

Everyone claps, but they all fade away. Nothing remains, except this beautiful man who's kissing me, our first kiss after the engagement.

"Jai! I loved the puppy!" I grin at him.

"I'm glad, " he hugs me tight.

As we drink wine to celebrate our engagement, talking and laughing, I realize this is where my home is.

It's all strange, isn't it? I was born and raised in England, and I was searching for love there, not realizing my love was in an entirely different continent. All this, it was destined. So our past, both mine and Jai's was bound to happen. Destined to happen so that I could meet Jai. Jeremy was supposed to cheat on me, and I was also supposed to face humiliation and come here. Jai was destined to live alone in his apartment for four years with a broken heart. All this happened so that I could come to India, develop a crush on him and help him mend his heart and also make him fall for me.

Things changed so drastically within a year. I shifted across continents, helped a guy move on, and now, I'm his fiance!

Crazy how the universe works, huh?


This is it! Last chapter! This is so sad.

The epilogue will be out soon. I'm so excited to share the epilogue. I had written it down so so long ago!

Thank you for reading till here! Really means a lot to me.❤

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