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As soon as I reach the hotel room, I call Amy. It's three thirty in the afternoon here, meaning it'll be one in the night there. But to my surprise, she picks up on the first ring itself.

"Hello Jai, you reached Canada?" her voice is sleepy.

"Yeah, I reached a while back. I'm in my room now."

"I told you to call me as soon as you land, no?"

"Relax lady, it's been only ten minutes. Were you sleeping?"

"No, I was waiting for your call," she yawns.

I bite my lip to stop grinning. "So, what did you do today?"

"Ooh yeah, about that. After dropping you at the airport, I went to my office. I had quite a lot of work, and my boss wasn't being helpful either. So I reached home a little late. And when I unlocked the door, dreaming of a relaxing, hot, scented bath, the lady who lives above us decided to show up! And you won't even be able to guess why she came. Guess why?"

"Um, you told I wouldn't be able to guess, right?"

"Right. She came up to my house, at freaking ten in the night, to show me the kitten she found on the street! And it wasn't even cute! It was, it was weird, and it kept glaring at me for some goddamn reason! She stayed for an hour, all the while gushing about the damn kitten! And after she finally went, I had a real nice bath, had my dinner and was waiting for you to call," she yawns again.

"Oh. I feel bad for you. She came to my house too, the other day to speak about how her bathing rubber duck went along with the water when she pulled the plug of the bathtub and I didn't even know her well back then. And all I could wonder was, how small was the duck then?"

"She's a weird lady." Amy chuckles.

"I know!"

And we continue talking random things for a while, until I hear her soft snores and I cut the call.

This isn't new to me. Whenever I went on business trips, I used to call Rupali, and speak till either of us fell asleep. Those conversations weren't like the normal. They were different. They weren't like the face to face conversations we usually had, but still, they were deep. They were deep because we were away from each other. They drew us closer.

Distance does that to you. You understand how important the person in your life is, how much place they occupy in your heart. You forget all the misunderstandings. The 'serious' fight you had, not-so-long ago, becomes petty and immature; and all you want to do is to rush to them, hold them in our arms, and do nothing. Just be.

The happiness you feel that time can't be described.

I feel the fatigue of the long flight crawl in. So, I quickly take a shower and climb onto the bed, wearing my comfiest and favorite sweatpants. Sleep comes to me in seconds.

. . . .

My phone buzzes loudly, waking me up. It's Amy.

"What?" I ask.

"Wake up, the sun's already up!" I hate how enthusiastic she's being right now.

"Now that I'm up, bye!"

I look at the time, it's seven in the morning.

I smirk. She must have missed me.

I wake up and head for a shower, and get ready. The meeting is at nine. When I turn the faucet on, the water springs out, and damn, it's cold! I jump up, cursing. But this wakes me up entirely. I stand away from the water for a while, waiting for it to get hot, and then go back under. As the hot water hits my back, I sigh in the relaxation it gives me.

Getting out, I take out my grey suit and the red tie. Rupali's favorite tie. She had an obsession with red ties. I chuckle, but I don't get a lot of time to think about all this. I quickly get ready and leave the room.

Today is going to be hectic.

. . . .

Just as I predicted, today was really tiring. I return to the hotel at half past eight in the evening. As soon as I reach, I go to the shower, but not before sending a 'hey' to Amy.

Showers are literally the best thing in the world. They know how to relax you after a frustrating day, and they don't even mind when you take out all your frustration on them! I guess I'll marry a shower one day.

I snort at my weird thoughts.

When I'm flipping through the channels on the T.V. , my phone chimes with a text.

Amy: Hey! How was your day today?

J: That rhymed! And my day was really busy. How was yours?

A: You already know I'm rolling my eyes at you, right? My day has just begun.

Oh, somehow, I'd forgotten that.

J: Oh! How's your heart?

A: My heart? What's wrong with my heart?

J: You know, as you didn't see me for a while, how's your heart taking it?

A: You know that only two days have passed right?"

J: Still.

A: I'm seconds away from blocking you.

J: But you wouldn't right?

No reply.

J: Right?

J: Right???

J: Amyyyyyyy!

A: I'm there you idiot!

J: Oh, thank God.

A: No, thank AMY.

J: Whatever. You wouldn't block me right?

A: Try me.

J: Why? Are you a shirt?

I must say, this one was funny. I laughed as I typed it.

A: Wtf? So lame. Go sleep.

J: But I want to talk to you! :'(

A: Just sleep already!!

I already know she's smiling.

J: OK. Goodnight. Well, Good morning to you.

A: Kay, bye. Sleep tight. :*

Was that a freaking kiss?! I keep staring at it for a while.

I go to sleep with a shit-eating grin on my face.


Short one, but I liked this chapter. Do let me know what you guys are thinking. About the story, obviously ;) Thank you for the read!

LOL ( Loads Of Love)

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