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I sit down in the backseat of the car, and sigh.

"Long day, huh?" The driver asks.

"Yeah, I'm tired as hell." I answer. "Can you drive faster today? I want to go to the hotel and sleep."

"Sure Sir," he smiles.

But when he reaches the hotel, I'm already asleep. He wakes me up. I thank him and as soon as I open the door of the room, I fall on the bed.

I wake up after two hours. That sleep was the most relaxing sleep I've had in  a while. I check my phone for any message from Amy. There isn't one. I send her a 'hi', and head for a shower.

Thankfully, when I return, there's a message from her. I was beginning to worry. Her text is a simple 'Hi'. No 'how was your day?' or anything else.

J: Well, as you aren't asking, I'll tell it myself. Today was tiring as hell. Yours?

A: It was... uneventful.

J: Oh, what are you doing now?

A: I have work to do. Bye.

What's wrong with her?

J: Okay...bye.

When I decide to sleep, my phone rings. It's my assistant.

"What?" I ask, annoyed that it isn't Amy. Then, realizing that it came off rude, I repeat, in a gentler voice.

"Sir, I wanted to remind you that tomorrow's meeting is at seven, not at nine like the other days."

"Yeah, I remember. Thank you."

I look at the time. It's already twelve. Shit.

Without wasting another second, I go to sleep again.

. . . .

I wake up at six. And I'm getting late to the meeting. Hurriedly, I send a 'Good morning, well, good whatever it is for you right now' and go get ready.

I must say, I'm proud of myself, I manage to reach the office in forty five minutes, and the best part? I'm early. There's something pleasant and satisfying in doing something earlier. Reaching a place earlier, completing something earlier than the supposed time and date.

The people arrive, and I make myself ready for the last meeting for a while.

. . . .

I come out of the office with a smile on my face. No more meetings. For the time being at least. We decided to work extra, so that it gets done earlier. See? Earlier than decided.

I decide to walk around, strolling through the streets of Canada. I walk past several people, most of them busy with their mobile phones, a half eaten sandwich or coffee in hand.

In a way, it's calming. In between the crowd of people, you get your solitude. You are alone with your thoughts, even though you're not really alone.

I walk, not having any destination in mind, past cafés, libraries, supermarkets and reach a relatively less crowded area. It is a quaint place, and a tiny yet fancy looking shop catches my eye. I decide to go inside. The shop sells little souvenirs, jewellery and the like. As I glance through all the items of display, there's a pretty chain that manages to get my full attention. Rupali loved going to such shops. "Small shops always sell the best things," she used to say.

It's nothing much really. A simple silver chain with a rose gold plated heart shaped pendant. But it's beautiful. I decide to buy it for Amy.

I come out of the shop with a smile. I'm finally going home tomorrow.

. . . .

I walk out of the airport, suitcase in hand. People stare at me. I roll my eyes. It's not like I'm a celebrity. Just a kinda well known entrepreneur.

"Welcome back, Sir," my driver smiles.

"Thank you," I smile back.

"Would you like to go anywhere else before going to the apartment?"

I think for a while. As it's a Sunday, Amy will be home. "Yeah, could you drive me to mum's bakery?"

"Sure sir."

When I open the door and step in, mum's face shows the shock and happiness. She glides over to me and pulls me into her arms, me happily complying. "Jai! You came early!"

"Yeah, we worked overtime so we could get this done fast."

When we pull away, she has tears in her eyes. I chuckle. "Hey, don't cry."

She smacks my head. "First, you don't visit us for so long, and when you do, you tell me not to cry? Idiot!" she laughs, tears flowing freely now.

I don't go to argue. I visited her not so long ago, if I don't get time to visit, I FaceTime them. But for mom, even a day is 'so long since you visited'.

"I'm sorry I don't visit often. But I'll make up for it."


"Um, next Sunday lunch?"

Her smile grows brighter, making her entire face glow. If there's one thing mum loves, it's hosting lunch.

"Done. Call Shlok, Aditya and his family also. And," she smirks. "You happen to spend a lot of time with a girl. What's her name? Amelia?" she pretends to think.

I roll my eyes. Mum's pathetic at acting. Really. An owl could beat her.


She widens her eyes dramatically, and claps her hands. "Ahh! Amy! Call her too, I want to meet her. Enough of listening about her from you."

"Okay, okay. Where's dad?"

She snorts. "He's at home. Yesterday, I baked some chocolate cupcakes and asked him to test how they were. Apparently, he didn't hear the word 'try' and scarfed the whole batch down. Now he's at home, puking. I told him I'll stay, but he insisted that I go."

I shake my head. "You both are the most immature and adorable couple I know." She blushes at that. "So, I wanted a cake."

"For what?"

"I thought I'll surprise Amy. No questions, just give it quick. I have to go."

"I see you're back to ignoring your parents. It's okay. I can live with that."

I laugh. "Mum!"

"Okay, okay,"

She packs a chocolate cake and hands it over. I give her a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks mum,"

She ruffles my hair.

"I'm going, bye! Tell dad that I say 'hello'. And to get well soon."

"Okay, bye."


Hey guys. Thank you for reading.

Um, that's all I guess. Byeee.

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