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I wake up kinda happy.

Yeah, I've been sleeping relatively well these days. And the same mood continues throughout.

I'm taking Amy out today, and I have something important to tell her. Something that I realized yesterday. The afternoon comes quickly. I quickly wear a plain blue T-shirt and black jeans and head to Amy's apartment.

The good thing about our apartment is that there are only two houses on one floor. And currently, I'm glad that Amy is my neighbor. I don't know what I would do if there was an old, grumpy guy, or worse, an overly friendly woman in place of Amy.

I shake my head and knock the door. The door is opened instantly.

Oh! She's ready!

I take a look at her. She is wearing a black sundress which really compliments her beautiful eyes. Her brown hair is left down, reaching a little past her shoulders.

"You look pretty!" I say honestly.

She blushes. "Thank you. You too."

I look at her weirdly. "What do you mean 'you too'? I look pretty?"

She laughs. "No! You look good."

"Just good?" I press on teasingly.

She rolls her eyes. "Let's just go, yeah?"

I laugh. She seems to be in a really good mood.

Throughout the ride there, she keeps asking where we are going.

"We are going," I reply solemnly. "to a place which is very precious to me."

"Oh!" she keeps quiet after that.

As we are nearing the place, I'm hit by a wave of nostalgia. A smile creeps up my face. Amy notices it but doesn't ask.

We reach the restaurant. There's a garden nearby. It has so many beautiful flowers and trees, but that isn't the best part. The best part is the cherry blossom at the center. It looks so beautiful and blissful!

A distant memory is awoken at the sight of this tree.

I had been on a date with Rupali. It was our second date, but the first time here for both of us. When she saw this tree, she ran towards it, pulling me with her.

I gladly allowed myself to be pulled by her. I would walk into a volcano, if that's what she wanted.

Rupali looked ecstatic, almost childlike. It was adorable. She was adorable.

"Jai, from now on, whenever we go on a date, it is going to be here. Understood?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Yes, ma'am." I mock saluted, making her smile. "But first let's go have our lunch, yeah?"

"Yeah, let's go."

From that day, this garden had become our favorite destinations. We've spent so much time here, under the tree- clicking pictures, talking random shit, and even sitting there doing nothing, just enjoying the peace this place provided.

"Jai! Let's go!" Amy's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Uh. . . yeah, let's go."

I keep looking around the oh-so-familiar restaurant. I know it so well.

The waiter asks for our order and we place them. Once he goes away, Amy asks " Now tell me, why do you look like a kid at a fair for the first time?"

I laugh at her comparison. "This is the restaurant I and Rupali always came to. It holds so many memories, you know?"

She smiles reassuringly at me. "Jai, I'm glad you brought me to this place. It means a lot. And I'm also happy that now you are finally facing the reality. After six months, you are finally able to."

I nod. "Yeah. Now . . . I don't know, I'm feeling . . . bittersweet? It is sad that Rupali isn't there with me now, but I'm happy that I can still re-live the memories. She's gone. But that doesn't mean that all of her is gone. Some parts of her will always remain. The times spent together will remain forever. But now, I feel that I shouldn't close off on people. I don't know what the future holds. We are in Rupali's favorite restaurant. Before, I couldn't step a foot in here. Every single thing reminded me of her, still does. But now, I've. . . I don't know, dare I say, accepted maybe? I feel happy when I look at this place. All these changes have happened all thanks to Amy. Thank you so much!" I say, all the while staring at the table.

When I don't hear anything, I look up, only to see her crying. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Since when have you felt this way? You know, the making peace with the reality thing?"

"I guess it was yesterday evening. When you told me that I too deserve happiness. For that, I need to embrace and respect the truth. Otherwise, I can never be happy. The words hit home. It was like an enlightenment. I realized that my life had come to an abrupt stop since that unfortunate night.

I was trying to hold on to those pieces of my past, not realizing that they were like broken shards of glass- fragile yet sharp. Whenever I tightened my hold on them- to make sure they don't slip- they broke down into smaller pieces, leaving me bleeding and hurt.

"Now, I've understood that there's nothing to hold on anymore. I'm not sad now. I'm happy because only a few get to experience the love me and Rupali shared. I am lucky. So, I won't waste my time moping over her loss. Instead, I'll be grateful for getting to experience it. I will always love her. But this time, I won't stop living just because she isn't there. I know she'll always be watching, from wherever she is. And I know that she will be happy with my decision.

"Now, I'm ready for whatever the future holds." I finish lamely.

Amy smiles happily. "I'm really happy for you, Jai. But the last line was a bit lame, don't you think? You said it the way a kid says on his eighteenth birthday."

I roll my eyes. "You and your lame comparisons."

"They were better than your last line." she defends.


The food arrives and we instantly help ourselves to the amazing food.

"This is delicious!" Amy exclaims.

"I know."

The ride back home is silent. I look at her. She is having a huge grin on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask.

"I'm happy for you." She says simply.

"Oh? Thanks."

We reach the apartment. "Thank you for coming with me Amy," I say genuinely.

She smiles.

"Okay then, bye" I hug her, a departing hug. She returns the embrace.

It feels peaceful this way. After a while, we pull back, and out of habit, I accidentally plant a kiss on her cheek.

We both freeze.

You idiot! What have you done? Way to make this situation awkward! My conscience shouts at me.

"Uh . . . okay, I'll see you later. Bye!"


We part ways, and head to our respective apartments.

This wasn't a date, you asshole! Why the hell would you kiss her?!


Finally, I updated! HOW WAS IT, YOU GUYS?

I've updated the Prologue and the cast. Make sure you check it out. :)

Also, thank you for the read. :*

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