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I wake up to Amy's head snuggling closer to my chest. I definitely wouldn't mind waking up to this every day.

She is still sleeping. I pull away slightly so we're face to face, and take this as a chance to observe her. Delicate hair strands falling on her face, which I softly tuck behind her ear; the freckles on her nose I love so much; the mole above her upper lip, which is so faint, you would miss it if you didn't watch closely; her cute bow shaped lips I badly want to kiss.

She stirs in her sleep, I guess because of the sunlight falling on my back and her eyes. I watch as she tries to open her eyes, which she does with great difficulty and when her eyes land on my face, a huge smile takes up her face.

She opens her mouth a bit to speak but quickly closes it, turns away from me and starts searching for something in the drawer beside the bed. She turns to me and pushes a chewy mint in her mouth and gives one to me as well. I pop it in my mouth and chew it for a while.

"Nice idea to reduce morning breath, " I smile at her.

She smiles back. "So what are we going to do today?"

"First this, " I say, and lean in to kiss her. She is taken off-guard for a second, and after she recovers, she kisses me back.

"Now that's what I call a good morning, " I breathe.

She chuckles and wraps her arms around my waist, placing a kiss on my chest. "I love you."

At this, I stop breathing. She is frozen too. My heart starts beating faster and I know she notices because she places another kiss on the same spot. And without giving me a chance to reply, she sprints to the washroom.

After brushing my teeth, I go to the kitchen to see Amy standing with her back to me, in front of the gas stove. When I go to help her, she pushes me away and tells me to sit down and wait for her to serve the breakfast.

"You listen to music as you cook?" I ask, hearing the lovely music playing in the background.

"Yes! I love it!"

She comes to the dining table, a plate and a cup of coffee in hand. She places the plate before me. Well, okay. I was expecting something, grand? But it was just bread toast. I look at her with my eyebrows raised. She gives me a sheepish smile in return. 

"No groceries, " she shrugs.

"Okay, we'll go to the market later."

We finish our breakfast and I insist on washing the dishes. Then I go wrap my arms around her waist.

"Thank you for breakfast."

She chuckles. "Are you being sarcastic? Because it was only toast."

"No, " I snicker. "I am glad I could have breakfast with you. It feels good. Almost normal. Like, we could do this every day."

"Yes, Jai. We could, " she smiles at me and caresses my cheek.

I listen to the song playing. It's really good. I gently tighten my hand on her waist before placing hers on my chest and begin to slow-dance to the music, forcing her to dance as well. She looks amused at first but follows. We are both smiling as I twirl her around the kitchen.

"This is so random, " she laughs.

"I know."

I get this sudden urge to throw her off-guard. So halfway through the song, after I twirl her around again and she is still smiling, I gather her back in my arms, and not giving her a chance to hold me, I dip her, in a quick move. She yelps, and holds on to my neck. I pull her up just as quick.

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