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The next day, I take Amy to her office, well ex-office. When she steps down, I decide to accompany her. She drops the resignation letter on the table. Yash, surprisingly, takes this on a good spirit. He smiles ruefully at her and asks for her forgiveness and Amy forgives him.

She might have, but I don't think I could forgive this guy anytime soon. I continue glaring at him.

"Tell your boyfriend to control his anger, " he has the nerve to say, with a smug expression.

Amy begins to justify, "He's not my -"

I pull her from the office, but not before warning him, "If she hadn't told me to step away from you, you'd be dead by now. I mean it."

This time, Amy pulls me away.

Once in the car, she becomes really enthusiastic. "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm going to your office! And also that now I don't have to worry about him! Drive fast, Jai!"

I chuckle and reach over to tap her nose with my finger. "Patience, lady."

We reach the office and the smile on her face is not dropping even for a second.

We stop near my secretary's cabin. The said lady seems to be too busy caking her already-made-up-face with more make up and Amy chuckles looking at that. 

I clear my throat and she whips her head towards me.

"Sir, I tried to reschedule the meetings for the morning, but I couldn't do the first one. I'm sorry sir, they wouldn't budge." Avanti, my secretary says.

"It's okay. I'll have to attend that one then. After that, no more meetings till three, right?"

"Yes sir, " she nods.

"Okay Avanti, have a nice day."

"You too, Sir."

I guide Amy towards the elevator, with my hand on the small of her back. There's an employee of mine there, with his five-year-old daughter, Tanya. I smile at the two of them, then bend down to Tanya's level.

"Oh, Tanya decided to accompany her father to the office today?"

She grins a toothy grin. "Yes, I want to work hard like him."

This makes me smile. I take out a bar of chocolate from my coat pocket (don't ask why I kept it there) and hand it to her. "This is for you then. Help your dad, okay?"

She eagerly takes it from my hand and begins to unwrap it, but quickly stops.

"What happened Tanya?"

"I'll share it with mom, " she shrugs.

I look over to her dad. "How's your wife now?"

He gives me a smile. "It's bad, but it is improving. A lot."

I nod at him and smile.

He looks at Amy. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, who's this lovely lady with you?"

I look at Amy and wrap my arm around her shoulders. "This is Amy. A really good friend of mine."

"Oh, that's nice to know. She's the first lady you brought to your office after..."

"Yeah, after Rupali."

He looks shocked, yet happy. "Looks like you've been getting better, sir."

"Yeah, all thanks to her, " I nod my head to Amy, who blushes. No surprises there.

The elevator pings and they go out.

"Why do you blush so much?" I ask, poking her cheeks.

She blushes harder. "Shut up!"

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