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The next day is a Monday.

I hate Mondays with a passion, just like any sane person would. After the wonderful luxury of the weekend, we allow ourselves, it's difficult to pull your ass to the office.

I have a quick shower, get ready quickly and have a quick breakfast.

See? Everything is quick these days. Everyone is in a hurry. No one has time at all.

Back when Rupali was alive, we had a routine. Both of us went to work- me to the office and her to the hospital. So everything was kinda rushed. If something remained undone, like the laundry, we would do it in the evening.
There was one thing which I would never postpone for the evening. When I would park the car near her hospital, I would turn to her, and ask her "Mind giving me a quick kiss?" She would laugh, shake her head at me, and kiss me with all the love she had.

That was quick too. But it was satisfying, even though it wasn't enough. Always.

There's a sharp tug in my chest. It's familiar now. I shake my head and drive to the office.

This weekend was probably the longest in my entire life.

I reach the office quickly and get into the old routine.

Fortunately, today wasn't that busy.

I reach the apartment by three in the afternoon.

This apartment stopped being a home since that unfortunate night. True, her memories were still there. But her presence wasn't there. It just became 'my apartment', no longer 'my home'; because home was with Rupali. And she wasn't here.

After a shower, I scroll through the laptop, and suddenly, I get the idea of watching 'The Vow'. Rupali's favorite, so mine as well.
I make myself a cup of steaming hot coffee, and press play. The movie starts, as well as the nostalgia and the feeling of longing.

I feel the now familiar sting in my eyes, but I will myself to stop so that I can watch the movie.

Each part of the movie, each and every dialogue reminds me of her.

I'm reminded of how I would tell her to stop crying, and she would shush me saying that I'm being rude to Leo. The way she would yell at Paige to just 'get back with Leo already' and sometimes, throw popcorn at the screen and then I would have to pause the movie to calm her down and tell her that it's just a movie.
The way she would cry happily in the end, even though she has watched it so many times never ceased to amaze me.

I gulp the coffee quickly so that I don't don't cry.

It burns my tongue and throat, but I don't mind it. It's a nice kind of burn, distracting me from my pathetic condition.

The movie comes to an end, but it seems like there's no end to my tears and my thoughts of Rupali. I bet my tear ducts are tired.

When will I ever stop crying? I  question myself for the thousandth time.

I close the laptop and keep the coffee mug in the sink before I forget it on the couch itself.

Tears blur my vision. I don't know for how long I can take this. I sit on the couch and weep.

I only stop for a minute to see who opened the door. It's Amy.

Damn, I really need to start crying silently.

She comes inside and wraps her arms around me. I cry into her embrace.

And this is how I spend the next three months. I remember all my past and pour it out to Amy. And damn it, the lady listens! She bears all of my emotional mess and my mood swings.

I tell her about the things Rupali loved, things she disliked and things she absolutely hated; about our holiday together in Paris (that was her dream destination); about her liking towards a pretty face singer and how she kept gushing about him; the way I acted like a jealous dumbass all those times she listened to his songs.

And towards the end of these three months, I feel that there is no one more suitable for the Nobel Prize than Amy. (Yeah, she doesn't have a surname. Don't ask why)


Hmmph! Another chapter. It's short, but how did you find it?

Please don't forget to vote and comment your views. Love you all  ❤

Thank you for the read .

Also , I won't be able to update for a while now. My exams are nearing! Wish me luck guys!! 😌

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