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"Amy!" I call out as I enter the door. It's silent. I decide to sit on the couch and wait for her.

The wait turns out into a nice, relaxing nap and I find myself being pulled out of it by painful slaps.

"Ow! ow! What the hell?" I open my eyes as I fall down on the floor, and find myself staring at a pair of unknown blue eyes.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" the lady asks.

She's definitely older than me. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Red, pouty lips.

"Why should I explain myself? You are the stranger here. You tell me, what are you doing here?" I throw her words back.

She looks irritated. "You're a burglar, aren't you?"


"Listen, I guess you came into the wrong house. Don't worry, it happens all the time. I'm sorry if it came off rude, but you are in the wrong goddamn house. This is my-"



"Oh dear, where were you? Some burglar entered your house, and he has the audacity to tell me to walk out! That reminds me, when are you going to start locking your door?! Look what has happened now. Call the pol-"

"Mom," Amy interrupts her. "He is no burglar. He's Jai!"

The lady's entire demeanor changes from frowning, to that of a fan girl. "Ooh, he's Jai?"


"Okay wait, wait. This is so confusing." I look at Amy's supposed mom. "You're her mom?" She nods her head. "I'm Amy's mom. Maddison. Call me Maddy."

I nod my head. "Okay then, Maddy, why would you think I was a burglar?"

She gives me a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry. I don't know why that thought came to my mind! It's just that I tend to be overprotective of my baby girl."

I smile, while Amy rolls her eyes. "Mom, I'm no longer your baby girl."

"You will always remain our baby girl," comes another voice from the door. I turn back to see a lady standing, along with a man, who's probably in his fifties.

The lady is a younger version of Maddy, with her blonde hair and blue eyes. Typical cheerleader.

"You will always be our baby, no matter how old you grow. Understood?" she says, strutting towards us, giving us a fake smile.

Amy seems shocked at first, but quickly recovers, and returns an equally, if not, faker smile. "Understood sister."

Woah, sister? Why are they so cold to each other?

The man, who I assume is the father, comes and pulls Amy into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too Dad! I'm so happy you are here!"

The smile on her face is so genuine as she speaks to her dad. Then, she looks at the sister and frowns. "I wasn't expecting you, Laura."

Laura gives another fake smile. It's getting on my nerves already.

"Aw, can't I visit my little princess?"

I grimace. Who is she trying to win over with those words?

"Also, I wanted to see who your new friend is," she turns to me.

I smile politely. 'I'm Jai."

She looks at me suspiciously. "Jai. . .?"

"Jai Khurrana."

Her eyes widen. "Jai Khurrana? You are-"

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