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I head over to Amy's apartment like a man on a mission. And my mission is to convince Amy to go on a dinner with me tonight. Don't get me wrong, it's not a date. One of my friend, who also happens to be my client, has invited me to a dinner. And as I can't go alone, I need a date. At that moment, the first face that came to my mind is Amy. I really hope she agrees.

I ring the doorbell only once, just the way she likes it, and wait patiently yet impatiently for her to open the door.

She opens the door smiling, and once she sees it's me, her expression morphs into one of confusion. "Jai? Wow. You rang the doorbell only once? This is definitely an improvement!" she grins.

I roll my eyes. "Uh, yeah. So. . . I want to ask you something. . ." I trail off.

"Yeah tell me,"

"Go out on a dinner with me? Please?"

Her eyes go wide, and before she starts assuming things, I explain, "It is not a date. My friend has invited me to a dinner and I need a date. Please Amy, come with me."

She sighs. "When is it?"


"What? I'm not coming."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"You do realize that it's already six-thirty in the evening right? I'll not have time to get ready."

"But you still have an hour!" I whine.

She shakes her head.

"Please Amy. You are my friend. Friends help each other right?"

"Fine you asshole! I'll come!" She finally gives in.

I instantly become happy, and pull her into a grateful hug. When I pull back, I look at her with thankful eyes. She probably sees the stars in my eyes, because she awkwardly pats my shoulder and says "You're welcome. Now get out and let me get ready!"

With that, she shoves me out and shuts the door. I sigh happily, now that my problem is solved. Deciding to take a shower, I head back to my apartment.

I shower and get ready within half an hour. A hunter green formal shirt and khaki pants is the best outfit for a dinner. When I look into the mirror, I'm pleased by the sight. Even though the dress is formal, my hair is still a mess. I wouldn't change it though.

Damn Jai, you look so handsome! If I could, I would totally date you.

The alarm goes off, indicating that it's time for me to go to Amy's house. Stopping my self-appreciation, I take my phone, check the stove, close the windows and lock the door, making sure to double check the lock.

Yeah, go on. Call me paranoid. But being safe is better than being sorry.

I slowly head next door. Emphasis on slowly, because she probably hasn't started getting ready yet.


I ring the doorbell and wait for her to open. I hear a few shuffled curses and a promise to start getting ready sooner from now on, and the door opens, revealing a sheepish faced Amy, prettily dressed in a wine red maxi dress. "I'm not ready yet. You are early!" She accuses.

"Get ready quickly. You have ten minutes."

She rolls her eyes, but walks away.

After five minutes of sitting on the couch and staring at the wall clock, Amy comes back.

Her hair is left down now, falling down her shoulders elegantly. A dark red coloured lipstick colours her plump lips. But the best feature of hers still remains the same -her eyes, which looks even more beautiful and highlighted by eyeliner.

She looks gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking! She hasn't used much make-up but she still looks beautiful! I keep gawking at her for God knows how long, until she clears her throat and awkwardly says, "Let's go,"

I break out of my trance like state and nod my head.

On the way, I keep stealing glances at her. I know it's wrong, but hey! You can't blame me.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" I ask looking at her.

"I don't think so," she replies shyly.

"I'll tell it now, then. You look gorgeous. Really!"

"Thank you Jai," she murmurs, looking down at her lap.

I smile at her and turn to the road.

After a while when I look back, she's still blushing.

I chuckle under my breath. Adorable.

We reach the mansion, and I hand over the car to the chauffeur. The walk inside is filled by Amy's chattering about how we shouldn't trust chauffeurs. Apparently, her friend lost her car to a guy, who pretended to be a chauffeur. It's quite hilarious if you ask me, but I don't tell her that.

"So, don't trust them okay?" She asks.

"Okay, next time I'll park the car myself. Happy?"

"Very." She smiles, satisfied.

We are greeted by Arnav and his wife Aanchal. They take us around the mansion and we are stunned by how magnificent it really is! I've been to his house before, but I hadn't got a chance to look around until now. This mansion was passed down to him by his grandfather after his death.

"Shall we begin the dinner?" Aanchal asks. We nod and settle down on the dining table.

"So, how are your children?" I politely try to make conversation. If it were up to me, I would open my mouth only to shove food in it. It's that delicious.

"They are doing really well. I thought it'll take a while to adjust in a whole new country, but no, they are really comfortable there now." Aanchal says, a fond smile on her face.

"It must get pretty lonely," Amy says.

She nods. "It definitely does. What about you?"

"What about us?" I ask confused, exchanging a look with Amy. "We aren't dating! We're only friends."

"Oh!" She says, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

We shrug and continue eating. In a way, I'm glad for the awkward atmosphere because I can finally eat without interruptions.

After the dinner, we go into the living room. Amy stands up saying she has to use the restroom. Aanchal goes with her.

Me and Arnav continue making small talks over a glass of wine. After a while, they come back. Amy is flustered as hell and keeps staring at the ground. I clear my throat to get her attention. She looks at me, then quickly looks back down, the tips of her ear beet red. Aanchal looks at her and gives a knowing smile.

After a little more of talking, we decide to leave.

"We'll take a leave now. Thank you so much for having us." Amy says.

"The pleasure was all ours." Arnav smiles.

On the way back home, I ask Amy, "What was wrong with you there?"

She rolls her eyes. "You don't have to know everything."

I fake a gasp and hold a hand over my chest dramatically. "I think my heart broke a little."

She rolls her eyes again, and gives me a shove and a hit.

I yelp. "Do not hit the driver!"

She chuckles and I smile at that.


Hope you liked the chapter. Do comment your views. ♥

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