I ❤️ Crossovers

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France: *magical green circle* *roses appear everywhere*

England: Magic?! Yeah!

*magical purple circle* *air twists into a vortex*


France: Welcome to ze Host Club!

Italy: Romano, your embarrassing me!

Romano: But Italy, you are so adorable when you cried like that, I just had to tell them that! *holds Ita-chan's face*

Fangirls: EEEEEeeeEEEEEeeeee!!!!


England: Magic magic Daniel Radcliffe Dumbledora the Explorer Nyan Cats ring ding ding brodo swaggins pizzazz magic magic Daniel Radcliffe Dumbledora the Explorer Nyan Cats ring ding ding brodo swaggins pizzazz...

I summon you from the depths of hell...


Sebastian: Would you like to sign a contract?

England: Squeeeeee!

Sebastian: Oh dear, I landed in the wrong crack book. Goodbye!

England: Wait I needed you!!!

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