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A/N: I'm letting my best friend as of now do a dare, and here it is: I dare Prussia to carry around Soulstar for a day on his head and talk to all the other countries while doing so! ~@Madamina


Soulstar: MROW! (:p) *jumps on his face*

~le scene change to Mexico~

Mexico: *looks at his head* *bursts out laughing* That's adorable~

Soulstar: *jumps into his arms* mew? (you are Admin's friend?)

Mexico: Sí.

~le scene change to Italy~

Italy: KITTY!!!


Germany: mien bruder vhat are you doing?


Japan: Time to write another doujin~


US: Dude, what is THAT on your head?!


England: Tsk~


France: Ohohohohohohon, are you going for ze "kitty stripper" look?


China: KITTY! So cute~


Russia: The cat is cute but I think you would look better with an ax through your face Prussia~


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