Grazie, Hetalia

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All of them.

Italy taught me to always pull thru and be cheerful

Germany taught me to be strong

Japan taught me to love every second of life

America taught me to be a hero

England taught me to persevere

France taught me it doesn't matter whom you love

China taught me to not care what others say

Russia taught me to have love for your siblings, no matter how weird they are

Sealand taught me to have confidence

Seychelles taught me to forget about the haters

Canada taught me that it doesn't matter if you are invisible, you can still make an impact

Switzerland taught me to care for your siblings

Denmark taught me to be loud and proud

Norway taught me to have respect for younger siblings

Iceland taught me to respect yet dislike your older siblings

Sweden and Finland taught me to pull thru, even if you are the weirdest of couples

Spain taught me to be cheerful

Romano taught me to stand up for something that you feel is right

Greece taught me that cats aren't all that bad

Grazie, Hetalia

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