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Admin: Hey everyone! we've got our first dare!

All: From who?

Admin: Alright, here it is:

Just because today is the World Cup final match, I dare Germany to ask Brazil on a date!


Admin: Germany, you have to do it!

Germany: *blushes* Fine.

~time skip from Germany's wurst~

Germany: Brazil, will you go out with me? Ich liebe dich.

Brazil: *Blushes* Omigod yes!

~time skip y scene change~

Waiter!Admin: So, what can I get for you two lovebirds?

Brazil: Ju-just coffee...

Germany: I'll have the same...

Waiter!Admin: Two coffees, coming right up!

~time skip from Brazil's Yucca root~

Germany: *tucks Brazil into bed* Guten nacht...

A/N: This is the first chappie of truth or dare in the crack book! Make sure to send more in or Ita-chan will cry.

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