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I could feel it within my bones, within my blood. I could feel something different. I knew something was inside me.

"I can feel the baby, I just know" I say to Stef as my hands wrested on my stomach.

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?" She asks walking towards me placing hat hands above mine.

"No, not yet" I admit. It's only been a day, and I'm sure it'll say I'm not because the egg needs time to connect with my body and I didn't want the disappointment with it saying no.

"Maybe you should..." she suggests.

"I don't know... what if it says no?"

"Then we take it again the next day, Lena baby we are going to have a child and like you said you can feel something different." She reassured me.

Maybe she was right. We needed to test this, maybe it would say I'm pregnant right away, I hope so anyway.

"Ok" I say smiling as I take her hand and go to the bathroom.

I didn't mind Stef being in the room while I pee'd on the pregnancy stick, being married to Stef for almost a year shows we don't have privacy anymore and this was a special moment, a moment that is magical to the two of us.

"What now?" I ask, die to me being very new to all this.

"I think we wait for 2 minutes" Stef says as we both sit on our bed and wait.

2 full minutes felt like the longest thing I've ever had to wait for, the suspension was killing me.

"Stef... I don't want to look, I don't want to be disappointed" I admit as she takes my hand and grabs the pregnancy test looking at it.

A huge sigh crossed across her face but I couldn't tell if t was a good sigh or bad sign.

"What? What is it?" I ask. She looks at me with water flooded in her eyes.
"It's negative isn't it?" I sigh.

I look to the floor with disappointment until Stef lifts my head with her hand and forces my face to look to hers. I've never ever seen her grin so wide, even on our wedding day. "What?" I question.

"Look" she says as she hands me the stick which shows the sign of 'positive'. "We're having a baby Lena." She says chuckling with excitement and these words made me cry so hard with joy.

"Oh my gosh Stef. This is really happening. I have a little boy or girl inside of me. Finally" I say crying hard. We had been waiting too long and now this is finally happening. I was pregnant.

"I love you. Both of you" Stef said placing her hand on my stomach stroking her thumb back and forth. I move in for a kiss.

This was the start of everything. It's been almost 7 weeks since we found out that everything was working and that I'm pregnant. You have to be between 8-14 weeks along to have your first ultrasound scan, and I have an appointment for next week. The day that I finally get to see my baby. It's been so hard unable to tell family due to the fact that we want to do this right a traditionally which is why we have waited for our first scan first, however me and Stef have thought of the perfect way to tell them.

Strangely enough, Stef's mother Sharon turned 55 next weekend and it was my mum and dads 7 year anniversary so we decided to throw a party in our back garden as a joint anniversary party and birthday party with all our families. We planned to do matching gifts for both of the and allow them to open them in front of everyone at the same time so our families and friends finally know that we are carrying a beautiful little boy or girl.

"Have you brought the decorations?" I ask as Stef walks into the kitchen carrying a lot of bags.

"Don't worry, I've got them. It's going to perfect"she reassures as I take a deep breath. I've been stressing about everything lately, I want this to be perfect. I was worrying about everything, what if they aren't happy for us? What if they think it's too soon. "Lena everyone will be just as happy as we are. They all know what we've been through, and they'll be delighted to see something good happening for once"

And she was right, we'd had so many step backs it's about time we had something great happening. But knowing our history of bad luck I just pray this baby will be ok.
A/N: sorry I haven't been very active on updates, busy revising for exams. What are your thoughts?

Next chapter: consists of the first scan. 8 weeks pregnant (2months/9)

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Stef and Lena (MyLove)❤️Where stories live. Discover now