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Seeing my father laying in hospital is eye opening to the both of us, it's made me realise to stop being so stubborn and accept the views of my father whether I agree or disagree. But I also think he's started to realise how happy I am with Lena and how much I've chosen the right path. He's starting to reopen his heart again and start to understand my lifestyle. He thinks I 'chosen' this lifestyle, being a lesbian isn't a choice, and the soon her realises this the sooner I can reconnect with him and open up and tell him things he needs to know such as his future grandchild.

"I'm going to get some drinks, anybody want some?" Sharon asked.

"I'll have a coffee" I replied.

"I'm ok, I've got water" Lena said.

"I'm fine" frank replied.

So My mother had gone to the cafeteria to buy some drinks until my father suddenly changed his mind.

"Actually, I could do with some iced tea" he said looking directly into me practically asking me to chase after mother, to get him an iced tea and to leave him alone with a women he doesn't agree with. How can I do that?

"I'll go" Lena said raising from her seat until frank grabbed her by the wrist gently and pulled her back.

"No, stay please" he said. What did my father want to say to her? He clearly wanted to talk to her and I'm not sure I feel comfortable with that.

I follow mom down the hall way to the cafeteria where the queue was longer than imagined. But all I could do is stress about what my father was saying.

"I want you to- to know that I have nothing against you - and being in my death bed has opened my eyes and I can see how happy you are making my daughter, I appreciate it Lena. And I want to apologise for not making an effort, for not turning up to your wedding or meeting you. I'm sorry, I'm proud of both of you" he says taking my hand into his.

"Frank, your not on your death bed, your on recovery. You're not leaving us now. You need to tell Stef you're proud of her, she needs to hear it. Plus there is something we want to tell YYOOUUUUUUU, ouch" I say suddenly feeling a sharp pain I scream with discomfort falling to the floor.

"LENAA" frank shouts pulling himself off his bed to help me. "NURSEEE" he yells calling for help.

I see Stef running inside after hearing her dad shout for help from nurses and she sees me on the floor curled up in a ball. "Lena baby, what's wrong? NURSE" she yells stressfully.

"Somethings not right, it hurts" I say holding my stomach tight.

The nurse comes rushing in with Sharon as everyone surrounds me while the nurse lifts me putting me in a wheelchair.

"She's...she's pregnant. Please help" Stef says as frank sits back up on his bed after finding out the news in a different was than we wanted.


"Pregnant dad. Your going to be a grandfather whether you agree or disagree with my sexuality. We're happy. So suck it up" Stef moans.

"I'm going to be a grandfather?" He says in a questionable way.

"I'm outta here, we need to take Lena to the maternity ward" Stef says as she follows the nurse pushing me to the next ward.

After being in the ward for 2 hours now I finally get to go for another scan to see what's happening with this baby. God I pray it's ok, I wouldn't live with myself if something was to happen.

"Hello Lena, hop on up" the midwife said ready for yet another scan. This one was more threatening though, I was terrified. I couldn't stop crying at the thought of losing my sweet baby. I couldn't go through with that. "How are you both feeling?" She asks Stef and I.

"Terrified, what if something's wrong?" Stef asks as I was unable to find words from the lack of control of breathing and the flow of tears.

She placed the cool gel upon my stomach and spread it with the machine showing my baby yet again.

"Is it ok?" I manage to say.

"Im not sure, I'll have to get someone else to have a look" she said. This worried me a lot more. She left the room and I took Stef's hand.

"Stef, I can't do this, I can't hear this" I stress with worry or what the midwife has seen but not told us.

"It's going to be ok, this little monkey is a fighter like you. Lena you brought your life back to the pulleys when you practically lost it. This little baby of ours is also a survivor. Don't worry" Stef said crying with me and placing a kiss upon my forehead.

The midwife walked back in with extra help and pulled up the baby on the screen. "Hmmm" She says.

"What is it?" I say with fury, as much as I didn't want to know I needed to, for the baby's sake.

"Everything seems fine to me, she was just laying on a nerve, it'll pass" the second midwife says.

"She? She? You know the gender already?" Stef asks.

"It looks like a girl to me, i could be wrong though this early of pregnancy" the midwife replies.

"A baby girl" I say as a smile reaches my cried out face, but the real question is that is she ok? "Is she ok?"

"Yes, baby is fine"
A/N: stressful day in the hospital for the Adams Fosters.  I may not write another until Sunday/Monday.

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