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The pain hurts so bad. But it's a good pain knowing full well that I am about to become blessed by my baby. However I fear that this isn't the case, something feels different. It's too early and I know my baby girl doesn't want to come just yet, she's not ready at all. She still had a month to grow and develop in my stomach. She's going to be premature and I fear that she will be in pain or illness. I pray she is ok.

The nurse pushed me in my wheel chair as we glide past franks room.

"Wait ... Wait..." I say holding my stomach as she did not listen, she was more determined to find me a space on the maternity ward to deliver my baby. But luckily, Stef heard me and raced out the door and seen me in my chair.

"Lena!" She yells as I look over my shoulder to see her and Sharon chasing after to catch up.

As soon as they caught up I said "it's too early Stef, she's not ready. I'm not ready" as I begin to cry with the thought of my baby not being okay. It's a horrible thing to think, but I cannot help it, I've done everything by the book, I've been healthy and done everything I can to assure that my baby is growing and being healthy the way she should.

It's as if I can feel her staring out, legs spread wide along with her arms trying to restrain herself from coming, she doesn't want to come now, she's not ready.

"Lena. Listen to me baby. You're so strong, and so is our baby. You can do this and so can she, together you are stronger than anybody, I believe in the two of you. Do this, be strong and frank has a beautiful goodbye gift as hard as that is to hear, but all he wishes is to be able to hold our precious baby before life takes him, so let's make that happen, let's have our baby." She says as I nod in determination to make sure our baby gets through this as any baby should; healthy.

"Can you call my mom?" I ask, I want her to be here. To witness her first grandchild being born. If it happens as I wish. Stef nods as calls dana immediately in which she soon arrived taking my hand talking me through the breathing process as Sharon places a cool flannel upon my head while Stef brushes my sweaty hair back and places several kisses every so often.

"What would I do without you" I pant as the pain quickly comes and go's.

"Baby, we've done this before" Sharon replies as Dana continues to breath in and out heavily for me to copy but takes a break to kiss my hand.

The nurse walks in putting her surgical blue gloves on and places each of my foot on a metal holder which allows my legs to spread open for her to check her far dilated I am. Which appears to be 5cm. "Active labour, Little more longer" she says as I sigh in frustration and pain. As much as I moan, I couldn't be doing this without these 3 powerful women around me and guiding me through all of this.

As another 2 hours come, I become 6cm dilated as the nurse soon checks up on me again. "Your dilation is moving way to slow. If the pace doesn't pick up we will have to think of alternative options"

"Alternative options, what does that mean?" Stef says in concern as I don't even have enough energy to talk anymore. My bones feel weak,my flesh feels weak, I just don't think I can do this.

"We may have to look into a c-section where you will be put to sleep because of how weak you are handling this, or we will give you epidural injection through your spine to help with the pain." She explains as I see Stef beginning to rage.

"Excuse me! My wife is perfectly capable... she is..." she starts as I take her hand and stop her.

"I don't want any injections or pain relief, I want a natural birth." I reply to the nurse.

"This may not be possible, if we prevent this for much longer your baby could be harmed, she needs to come out and have oxygen put into her body. I suggest a caesarean" she claims as I reply "a little longer. Please" as she gives a simple nod in return and leaves me with my contractions.

Another 30 minutes and nothing changes, I'm still 6cm dilated and I'm beginning to second think things. For reasons that are important, such as the oxygen needed for my baby girl, i think I need to have a caesarean, I need to think about my girl and her health and well-being.

The nurse soon walks in for another check up along with my midwife to help talk some sense into me. But it wasn't needed this time.

"I'll have the c-section." I say instantly before allowing anyone to speak.

"Lena, please. Think about this" Stef begs.

"I have. I need to do this Stef, for Frankie" I say slipping out the name Frankie which I had thought of for so long.

"Frankie?" She questions.

"I didn't mean for that to slip out, but I like the name Frankie, or Francesca. I mean frank isn't well and I'd like someone to carry his spirit along so frank will always be with us, what do you think?" I ask as I begin to see both Sharon and Stef's eyes water up and tear.

"I love it. Let's do this, let's have baby Frankie" Stef replies holding my hand as we soon slip away from our touch as the nurse wheels my bed to the surgeon room where I will be put to sleep and Frankie will arrive hopefully healthy and well.

Stef falls into Sharon's arms with fear as she comforts her. "Frankie will be fine honey, have faith"
A/N: so will Frankie be ok? Or has Lena let it too long that she now has very limited oxygen. Will Frankie make it out ok? Who knows.

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