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My eyes flutter open to the soft yet high squeal of my precious girls cries, Lena begins to crawl out of bed as I look at our clock on the nightstand. 6:30am. Lena his been up constantly throughout the night checking on Frankie. I grab her arm and pull her back. "I'll go" I say as I place a soft kiss upon her irresistible perky lips that call my name 24/7.

I leave the room and spend some quality time with Frankie while Lena lays in, todays my day off work so it'll be nice to spend time with my two amazing girls.

"Hey baby girl, you been keeping mama up all night huh? Well now it's her rest time and our time to watch police crime, 24hours in custody" I get excited and throw myself onto the sofa with Frankie tucked inside my arms, she starts to whine until finally, she bursts out in tears, "Hey Hey, don't cry baby girl. Frankie... shhhhh.shhhhh" I whisper in a soothing voice as I slowly rock her back and forth trying to calm her. I lean on the switch of the remote to see Teletubbies. "Hey you like this huh?" I say as I continue to rock her while her cries slowly stop. She becomes so amused by these silly little tinky-winky characters it's actually disturbing. If she takes a liking to this and becomes taken by this show, I think I'll have to get rid of every TV we own.

It's now 10am and it seems Frankie has fallen asleep to this rubbish on the television, FINALLY. I carry her up to her room and place her in her crib, she will only be asleep for an hour until she's hungry. "Lena?" I ask as I walk into our room to see her nowhere in the bed, that's when I hear the shower head turning on making me smirk instantly, I have plans. Very fun plans.

I peep my head through the bathroom door and see her naked body been soaked by the steamy hot water. Gosh she's sexy. I step into the bathroom and close the door behind me making it click bringing a surprise jump to her. "What are you doing?" She asks as she smiles watching me lift my over-sized jumper over my head and drop it to the floor with my full perky breast on show. I slide down my panties and kick them to the side with the flick of my foot. She laughs as she watches me stride sexily to the shower. I open the glass door and hop into the steamy shower with my wife and it's about to get a whole lot steamier.

I place my sweaty palms on each side of her waist and spin her to face me. I stare intensely into her deep green orbs throwing me seductive thoughts. I lean forward meeting Lena half way for a sexy kiss. I alternate between sliding my tongue to dance with hers and scraping and biting her bottom lip with my teeth. She lets out a soft moan without even expecting to which turns me on big time. I run kisses down her body leaving every mark all over her body. I stop at her waist and spin her around as she places her palms upon the tiles on the wall as her panting becomes heavier. I trail kisses back up her body and admire every stretch mark and scar from her birth. She's perfect. I her back around to face me as she runs her fingers down my body. She throws her head back as I slide down her body. She places a hand upon a rail and the other against the glass door looking for support to keep her up. I throw her leg over my shoulder giving me more room to slide my tongue between her soaking folds.

I slither my tongue back and forth inside her feeling her leg tremble upon me. "Fuckkk" she screams out by my surprise, she hates cursing, and especially now we've had a baby, I've clearly sent her tumbling over the edge. "S-s-steffff" she moans my name louder as I continue, this time sliding two fingers deep inside her curling to find her magic spot that reaches the climax.

"Oh my goddd, STEF" she yells as she runs her fingers through my hair gripping on tight once finding her orgasm, she grinds her centre back and forth over my tongue to the rhythm. She explodes her juices all over me allowing me to slurp up all of her excess.

"Mmm you taste good" I say as I slide back up to meet her eyes licking my lips. She leans forward and kisses me strongly holding me tight against the shower wall as the water runs over our faces.

After another 10 minutes in the shower I step out the shower, place a towel on my hair and body and hand towels to Lena. I picked my phone up from the shelf above the sink to see it was on silent and I had missed 4 calls off my mother. I'm sure she's just worried that I've not been to the hospital yet with Frankie, but I will be soon, right after she wakes up, gets fed and changed.

"Hello...mom?" I say as she picks up the phone from her end. Instantly, my heart sinks to the floor, I've never felt so alive with Lena as I just did and now I feel like a chunk of my heart has been taken. Lena sees my facial expression and instantly places her hand on my arm with concern.

"Is everything okay?" She whispers as I'm still on the phone to my mother, although it's hard to make out what she's saying.

"Mom... I'll be right there, hold on, I love you" I say as I hang up the phone and throw on some jeans and top while Lena follows me around with questions.

"Lena, he's gone" I cry as she pulls me into her chest and kisses my forehead.

"Go, be with your mum, I'll see you soon" she places a kiss upon my lips and wipes away my falling tears from my stained face.

As I arrive at the hospital I come to sight with my mother who runs into my arms, it appears she's been crying for an hour non stop. "I did love him, even throughout our divorce, I never leaved him once, I'm glad he had the chance to meet Frankie and see how perfect you are doing, he's proud of you, we're all proud of you" she says not moving from my arms.

"I loved him too, I'm going to miss his snarky comments to attempt to offend us all" I smile as Sharon chuckles in my chest, I get that this isn't something to laugh about, but I can't sit and dwell, I need to keep his positive spirit remaining with us and all the good memories we will cherish forever.

Rest in piece Frank ❤️
A/N: so, this is the final, and I appreciate everything you all have done and helped throughout this story. I couldn't have done this without you all, this is never a goodbye, I'm sure I'll be back to Stef and Lena again shortly. I'm sad that this story has come to an end but I'm proud of how well this story progressed considering I didn't think I'd get anywhere near 9K views, so from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all. X

One last vote and comment :) xxx


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