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A/n: this doesn't have to do with the chapter but it's for future reference the Cheryl sweetwater thing hasn't happened yet. And Cheryl Josie thing never happened.

I look at Cheryl almost half asleep. "Hey I have to run to jugs I forgot my wallet over there I'll be back in a sec." she wasn't really listening as I got up she just rolled over and when back to sleep. I ran over to Jughead's to see a special person in his trailer. "Hey Veronica." They both looked a me awkward. "I left my wallet." Jug points to the table. "So how loud did Cheryl scream your name?" Jug asked. I look at him trying to punch him. "We didn't get that far. We almost but she stopped me, did I do something wrong?" I look at the both of them you can tell they know more than me. "No. Definitely not. Besides you just asked her out." He was right but there was more to it. "She was almost raped and it's still hard for her since it just happened not to long ago." Veronica told me. "Oh god." That's all I could get out. "I wouldn't mention it to her until she talks to you about it." Veronica tells me, I nod in agreement. "I have to go." And I storm out. I walk quietly into my trailer, damn it's cool to call it my own. "Cheryl?" I yell not expecting a response. Next thing I feel I to arms around me. I turn around and see Cheryl. "You woke up." I look at her. She pulls me into a kiss. I slowly pull away. "Do you think we're moving to fast?" I asked her without realizing. She puts her arms around my neck. "Well kinda but I didn't have anywhere else to go and a lot of relationships start with a kiss." She looks at me with a small smile. "Ok good to know." I smile at the taller girl. She looks away for a minute. "I was going to tell you something but I completely forgot about it." She sarcastically sighs. "Probably because I got lost in your eyes." I couldn't help but blush. "Oh just as long as a certain 4 letter word with 2 other words before and after it don't come out to soon than I'm good with what ever you know?" I nod. "What about earlier if I may ask." She looks down. "I don't feel comfortable talking about it right now it's still hard to talk about what happened only happened about a month ago and it..." she start to cry. "Hey, you don't have to say anymore right now. Ok?" I hug her. We sit there and I just let her cry, until I hear a pounding on my door. "Antoinette Topaz." It was my uncle using my full name. I go to the door. I hesitate to open the door. "Where have you been?" He looked at me pissed and probably drunk. "Living in my own house that you were to drunk to remember." I yelled. "You need to come home. Now!" He starts walking away thinking I'm going with him. "That's funny because technically you have no ownership over me." He looked back. "No wonder your mom left you with me. Your mistake." He walks away. I slam my door shut. "Toni? Are you ok?" Cheryl asked. "I just need to be alone for a second." I go storming into my room and shut the door behind me slide down the door where I break down crying. I could hear Cheryl on the other side of my door. "I told you I needed to be alone. Go bother Betty or someone." I say in between tears. "I'm not going to leave until I know your ok. If you don't want me in there but I'm going to stay out here. Ok?" She asked. "Yeah. Thank you."


Toni just sat there and cried for hours not wanting to be bothered except by Cheryl who was on the other side of the door trying not to fall asleep waiting for Toni to talk to her. She accidentally falls asleep at the door when Toni opens the door. Luckily she was against the door frame. "Cheryl?" Toni asked causing Cheryl to almost jump. Cheryl gets up and looks at her. "Do you want to talk?" Toni shakes her head no and breaks down crying. Cheryl polls the shorter girl into a hug. "It's getting late I'm going to head to bed." Cheryl say walks into her room.


"Night." She probably didn't hear me so I don't push it. I walk into my room quietly close the door and go into my bag. I find a box that has my name on it. I opened the box and picked up the note in it.


I feel really bad doing this and I mean well just after your dad died I couldn't take care of you so I'm leaving you with your uncle, i love you with all my heart and I'll be back

Love mommy

I finished reading the note. "My ass." I closed the box and laid down on my bed wondering why my mom couldn't take care of me. "NO! Stop." I hear Cheryl in the other room and run to her room. I see her sitting up sweating and crying. "Cheryl." I go over to her and hug her. "Whatever it is won't hurt you anymore. At least not when your with me." I hug her tighter.


I wake up in Cheryl's we must have fallen asleep. I quietly get out of bed and walk out to make breakfast. Cheryl walks out few minutes late. "Better?" I ask looking at her with invisible heart eyes. She simply nods. We both sit down are start eating. "I want to join the serpents." I almost choke on my water. "What?" I look at her. "I want to join the serpents, Toni I have no family. I need a support system." I take her hand. "No I love you too much." I after I say that Both are eyes get wide. "You don't have to say anything." She stands up. "I need to get dressed." And walks away. I put my head against the wall. "Oh god." I get up and get dressed. I walk out to see Cheryl sitting on the couch I didn't want to talk to her at this moment. "We've had a interesting couple of day." She doesn't. "I told you not to say it." She said playing with her thumbs. "Technically I didn't say it I-" she looks up at me and interrupts me. "I love you too Toni Topaz." She awkwardly smiles. "Do you really want to join the serpents?"

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