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"Toni." I say as she walks in Fangs helping her walk. "What happened?" I take her from Fangs and lead her to the couch. "N- nothing immm not drunk even." I take off her shoes. "Toni why were you drinking?" She puts her head back. I go get her some water. "Drink it will make you feel better." She tries to drink the water but she ends up spilling it on herself. "Cheryl I need your help." She whines. I sit next to her. "Maybe you shouldn't have gotten drunk." I help her get her jacket off. "I don't want to get drunk I had my shift and Fangs asked me if I wanted a drink and that drink became more than I want to admit. I'm sorry Cheryl." She looks at me sad. "Toni one time since we've gotten back together." She looks down. "Right?" She shakes her head. "But I didn't get drunk. Cheryl I need help." I nod. "Ok thank you for telling me." She gets quiet. We both get quiet it's not awkward it just is. "Cheryl." She breaks the silence. I look over at her. "Toni." She takes my hand. "I'm sorry I promised I wouldn't drink, I promised I wouldn't bring my knife to school. Cheryl I've broken our promises twice. I'm the worst girlfriend in the world." She starts crying. I comfort her. "No you are not, life is full of mistakes. Hey why don't we go to Sweatwater and go to our spot it's not to late and It's a beautiful night." She nods. "Yeah I think I need some fresh air." She slowly gets up and we go. Once we get to our spot we sit down. "Cheryl can we talk about our sex life?" My heart drops. "Am I not doing anything? Toni." She cups my face. "Cheryl it's not that I'm not really into that. Especially after I got raped. Anyways you know I've been with other people but I've never been with a girl, like I've dated girls but your the first person I've been sexual with you know?" I nod. There's more, something is clearly bothering her. "Toni what's wrong?" I ask. She plays with her ring. "Cheryl I need to tell you something and I don't know if it's the alcohol talking but what I'm about to tell you is true and I think the alcohol is making me do this now before I keep this a secret for the rest of my life." She looks like she is about to panic. "What is it?" She looks down. "I don't 100% like the whole sex thing, like I don't hate like doing it with you as in if I'm topping but I don't find any pleasure in being the bottom. Do you know what I'm trying to say here?" I nod. "Yes it's ok I kinda figured that was it, because you stopped me." She looks down. I cup her face and pick it up. "Toni, it's ok. If you don't want to have sex ever again in anyway, I won't be mad." I feel bad for her this has clearly bothered her for a while now. "I want to but
I don't want to you know." I nod. "I get it. Well I don't but I understand that you don't really want to." I tell her. She pulls me into a soft kiss. I kiss her back. "I will love you and support you through anything that you decide to do like you will for me. Ok?" I ask her softly, she nods and I pull her into s hug. "I love you Blossom." I smile. "I love you Topaz." She slowly pulls me into a kiss. "Toni." I kiss her back. We stay close to each other, our foreheads together. "What?" She ask. "I just want to stay here with you forever and forget about the shit we've been through." She looks down and laugh. "I already proposed to you so I can't do that." I laugh. She is the love of my life even when she is drunk. "Can I ask you something about what you just told me?" I ask her. She pulls away from me. "Yeah." She says softly. "How long have you thought about it? You know like the whole not into sex thing." I ask. She shrugs. "Probably when in middle school we had the sex talk and was confused because I didn't understand why I was never sexually attracted to anyone but I'm romantically attracted to someone." She tells me. I cup her face. "I'm not trying to change the subject but it getting late and cold. Pops?" I asked her because if something happens that's where we go. She nods her head. "Yeah come on." She gets up and takes my hand.

"Cheryl it's because homecoming is coming up and we really haven't been able to I don't know be a relationship in school like people know but they don't know." I take her hands. "But I don't want to go after last year. A lot of things started to unfold with Jasons death and I don't want to be reminded of it. You know?" She looks down. "Cheryl, your right. You went through shit last year and you will do anything to forget it happened we can go to the movies. There is probably something gay playing it's 2018" I smile and drink my milkshake. "That would be great." 

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