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We walk into pops with B&V. "Hey Cheryl and I are going to get are own booth we need to talk." They go to a booth and we sit down behind them. "Toni remember when you went on a rant about how you want to leave town." She shakes her head. "We can't afford it." I take her handso and kiss them. "Cheryl I can barely afford my trailer." I plays with the ring on her finger. She looks me in the eyes. "We can barely afford that trailer." Toni laughs a little. "Cheryl what happens if I got fired from the wyrm." I look at her pissed off. "On my drinking binge I-." I stop her. "Please say you didn't steal from there?" She shakes her head. "No! My uncle is out of town, I took his. On my drinking binge I obviously didn't show up and I got a call saying if I didn't show up in 20 minuets I was fired. I couldn't even sit up. I'm surprised I was able answer the phone." She puts her head down in defeat. "Cheryl I promise that I will never drink again." I move over to her so I can sit next to her. "What does that have to do with any of this?" She picks her head up. "Because I was drinking and it cost me my job our future." It made my heart skip when she mentioned use in the future. "Cheryl I want to get married and have children. More specifically I want to get married to you and have children with you. We can't do that if we don't have money." She cups my face when I realize something. "Toni. I have to money from my dad. I was only supposed to get half of it but since Jason died I have all of it." She looks at me concerned. "Cheryl I'm not taking money from you." She starts crying. "How much is the trailer?" I ask. "Since It's the southside 200 a mouth. But I don't have the money." I nod. "Until you get your feet back on the ground let me help." She clearly gives in. "Fine but I want to pay you back some how." I smile. "Your love and honesty is enough." FP walks over. "Hey. Can I take your order?" We order food and talk for hours about life it was like we never broke up. We were there so long B&V left. We were leaving. "Maybe we could go back to your trailer not to do anything obviously but it's late and I don't really want to go back to Veronicas this late." She shakes her head. "My trailer is a mess." She walks to her bike. "So?" She stops.

We get back to my trailer and walk in. "Toni we broke up for 2 weeks." I tell her not expecting this big of a mess. "Exactly. Even though 3 of those 2 weeks was spent at AA. Cheryl this is not the first time I've been this drunk. Before we started dating this was normal." She confesses to me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked confused. I'm open with her she should be open with me. "I couldn't admit it to myself. That's why I never really drank when we were at the wrym and stuff." I take her hand. "Let's clean up in the morning. Please say your room is itrashed." I tell her softly. "It's not I refuse to drink in my room because if I do I piss the bed." I look at her weirdly. She shakes her head. "Don't ask." We walk into her room. She gives shorts to change into. We laid down. "Toni when we broke up I didn't talk to anyone I just locked myself in the room Betty was letting me stay in and just didn't do anything. And then the ghoulies came. Toni" My voice cracks as I start crying. "What if it would be easier to just join-." She sits up. "Your not thinking about joining the ghoulies are you?" She ask me in a panic. I sit up. "Maybe I don't want to but if it gets them off the serpents asses. Maybe." She takes my hands softly. "Cheryl we would have to break up again. Your the only good thing I have right now. I love you. I can't let you do that." She tells me about to cry but doesn't.


I was sitting with FP in his trailer he was arguing with me about losing my job. "Why were you getting drunk?" Do I really want to tell him? I guess I have to or he'll go to Cheryl. "Because I broke up with Cheryl and when off the deep end." I tell him. "Why did you break up with her she is the best thing that's happened to you!" He yells at me. I slam on the table and stand up. "It was for her safety! The same reason why I let Penny Rape me!"  I realize I never actually told him about that. He looks pissed off. "She did what to you?" He calmly ask. I slowly sit down. "When I went to the ghoulies hid out, they attacked me obviously and cut my tattoo off. But Penny raped me and than I woke up in the hospital." He sits down in a chair sighs out of frustration. "Why didn't you tell me?" He looks up. "I thought Cheryl would have told you by now." I confess. "Cheryl is still mad at me for the whole Jason thing. Do you want to get the police involved? I don't usually but for this you know." I shake my head. "No only because they won't only find Penny's fingers prints there." I say awkwardly. FP looks confused. "Did someone else?" He asked calmly. "No but yesterday Cheryl and I kinda had sex." I tell him quietly. "You and Cheryl? Toni your like a daughter to me shouldn't you be talking to me about this stuff?" He yells. "First, this is not the first time Cheryl and I have. And second, this is not the first time I've had sex with anyone." I tell him. " please say your safe and make sure your both comfortable." I nod. "Yeah can I go now?" I get up. "I talked to Hotdog, I explained what happened. He said he'll give you one more chance." I turn around. "Thank you." He nods and smiles. "When are you getting your tattoo replaced?" I shrug. "I don't know Cheryl still needs her's." I walk out and go to my now clean trailer. The only thing is that it still smells like something died in here. "School starts tomorrow." Cheryl comes out from her room. "Junior year." She pulls me into a kiss. I smile and kiss her back.

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