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TONI POV: a few days before Cheryl wakes up when she first gets to the hospital.

I was in such a rush to get to the goddamn hospital that I crashed my bike. I completely destroyed it. How I barely got effected beats me. Jughead was on Cheryls bike and called a trunk to grab my bike. I got on he back of Cheryls bike with Jughead and we got to the hospital. I run in and see FP. "Is she ok?" He shakes his head. "Coma." I sit down next to him. He hands me her jacket. It was covered in blood but I didn't care I just cried into it for what felt like hours. Her phone ring I don't think anything about until I realize it's Nana Roses care taker and she call me because Cheryl didn't pick up. I run out the hospital and pick it up. "Hello? Yeah She can't come to the phone at the moment." I tell her than she tells me what we all saw coming Nana's death. "Yeah I'll tell her. Bye." I hang up the phone. I slowly walk back into the waiting room. "Everything ok?" FP asked me. I must have had a look on my face. "No." He pulls me into a hug and I burst out crying. "Excuse me are you Toni?" The nurse asked me. I turn to her. "Is she ok?" She shakes her head. "She's in a coma she might be for a cupel days and some how she keeps asking for you and a Jason I'm guessing your her best friend and he her boyfriend." She tells me. "DO YOU REALIZE WHO THAT IS?" I yell at her. She looks shocked. "That's Cheryl Blossom the one who's brother Jason Blossom was murdered." FP grabs my shoulder. "You need some air." FP tells me. I storm off and walk out. I lean against the wall and slid down. Jughead walks out after me. "Toni." I stop him. "You don't understand. She's the love of my life. She did that for me, I got stabbed for her. I let her live with me when no one would. She saved my life she's the reason I still get up every morning and go on with life." Jughead sits next to me. "You've gone soft Topaz. And no I don't understand but
I you mean a lot to her she went through hell this year and you helped her through it. Your the reason why she joined the serpents and gave her a family." I look at him. "She joined Because of me?" I asked him. "Yes but there's other reasons but that was the main one."

A few days later Cheryl finally wakes up I tell her everything. The next day I wake up on the couch in her room. I see she is still sleeping and I decided to get her breakfast. I walk back in. "Hey." It looks like just woke up sweating. "Cheryl everything ok?" I ask her placing her food on the tray. "No I keep having nightmares. Once they stop I do something to make them come back. I'm tired of fighting." I sit next to her. "Hey Cheryl. Everything will get better. I promise." I cup her face. "When?" She ask. "I don't know but you need to keep fighting. I love you to much for you to give up your stronger than that." She looks me in the eyes. "You always know how to make things better." She smiles. "I took your belongings back my trailer just in case your mom decides it's a perfect opportunity to raid your house." She looks at me confused. "Drove past your house and your mom was there you might be living in back in my trailer for a while." She looks down. "I'll let her win this battle I don't really want to go back there anyways. Not for a while." She tells me. "Ok." She sighs. "I like the trailer better I'm less likely to get loss." I smile. "Only you would say that." She softly grabs my face and kisses me. She looks down and smiles. "For some reason I still get butterflies when I kiss you or look at you and even hold your hand. And it's not the bad ones it's the good ones." She tells me. "Your blushing. Like your cheeks are the same color of your lips." We here a knock on the door. "Sorry to bother you guys, but Cheryl your mom is here." Cheryl looks at me. "I'll be fine. Go home and get some rest. Take a shower." Shake my head. "Please?" She asked I nod. "Text me if anything happens." I get up. "Ok." I walk out and see her. "Southside scum." Penelope says as she walks by. "That me." I say and run out.


"Dear god. What has happened to you? This is what happens when you join a gang." She tells me. "Happy to see you to." I say sarcastically. "You were supposed to be dead kinda like like your Nana." I turn my head away from her. "What are you talking about." She laughs. "It wasn't Hiram who wanted you dead it was me. I've wanted you dead since Jason died, your nothing especially now since your with that southside scum." She yells at me. "She not southside scum, she is my girlfriend and I love her more than you have ever loved my and Jason together." I tell her. She starts to get pissed off. "You should leave you don't have ownership over her and I don't blame her for making that choice." I heard a deep voice say. We both look over to see Sweat Pea and Toni standing at the door. Sweat Pea walks over to my mom. "And she's not some southside scum bag that's taking away your child's innocence. Because that had taken by you years ago." Sweat Pea gives her a intimating smile. "Get out now." She quickly run out out of fear. He and Toni sits next to me, Toni sitting closer as usual. "I was talking to the doctor and you are get to leave tomorrow." Toni said with a smile.

The next day we finally get home. "Toni?" I asked as I walk in. "What?" She turns around to look at me. "I love you." I tell her. She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "I love you Cheryl Bombshell." I take Toni's hand. "I want to marry you one day." Toni looks shocked. "I didn't mean to say that it just slipped out, I get it if you don't feel the same." Toni cups my face. "I feel the same way we're just to young."

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