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I wake up in a bed. Everything is white. I get up and see Jason, my dad and Nana Rose. "Jay jay?" I call out. "You need to go back to her she loves you." Jason walks over to me. "Look." I look over and see Toni crying over my almost lifeless body. "What have I done." I turn to Jason. "I love you Cheryl and I want to be with you but she needs you and you need her." I look up and him. "Your ok with us?" I asked. "Of course."

I wake up. "Jason." Toni looks over to me. "What?" I look over at her. I didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry. I thought I could fight them I thought it was just penny." Toni sits on my bed facing me. "I should have listened to you I didn't know how much pain I would put you through." She looks down. "Cheryl I didn't want to be the one to tell you this especially after happened but I need to tell you." She clears her throat. "Nana Rose... She passed away in her sleep after her care taker put her to bed." I sit up. She looks like she was about to cry. "I'm sorry." I was shocked. I shut my eyes trying not to cry and process the information. Toni takes my hand. "She's with Jason now. Cheryl say something." I shake my head. "No your lying she can't be we just saw her. You were there. She was fine." I sigh. "I never got to say goodbye." We both start crying. "She told me that she wanted to see Are wedding day, but hey." She cups my face. "We'll get through this we always do." I wipe my eyes. "Does my mom know?" She shakes her head. "I don't think so you can call her and tell her." I laugh. "If I tell her my mother will a field day. She hated Nana Rose." She takes my hands. "Your face looks like shit. It's kinda sexy." I smile a little. I hear a knock on the door. I pull away I didn't realize how close are faces were. "Hey girls. Sorry to ruin your moment. How are you?" FP ask and sits down. "Depends emotionally or physically because you can only see one of the answers." FP nods. "I'm sorry for your loss Cheryl." I look at Toni. "We were in the waiting room when your phone rang I picked it because I let it ring and they called me I new it was important." I put my head back. "Is Betty here? I want to know if she is willing to stay here for hours on end like I did." FP grins. "Yeah she is." Toni takes it my hand. "Did you talk to her?" I asked because I know she never got to talk to her. "No I felt better after you and Veronica kissed. And I was kinda in a panic once we got in here." FP awkwardly stands up. "I'll leave you to love birds alone." He walks out. "I just realize I haven't had the opportunity to kiss my favorite girl." I pull her into a kiss and hug. "The world could be falling apart around us like it is right now, and you single handedly make everything better." I tell Toni. "I'm so happy your ok." She laughs cries. "I'm scared." She tells me. "Why?" I asked her. "Because you almost died and it's all my fault." She tells me crying into her hand. "Toni look at me." She looks up. "It's not your fault I was being stupid and thought I could handle the Ghoulies. The only possible way it's your fault is when you got stabbed which wasn't your fault. Toni I would jump in front of a train for you." She looks down and laughs. "I would do the same." She looks up at me. "How bad is my face?" I asked. "Like your in a boxing match." She even looked like she was beaten up. "Why do you also look like you've been in I fight or something." She swallows. "I was to worried on getting to the hospital I crashed my bike." "I told you that was a death machine." I tell her. "I'm fine. Just almost broke my leg." She cups my face. "My whole world is in my hands." She tells my with a laugh. "How long have I been here?" I ask her. "It's Wednesday morning. You were in a coma." She tells me. "Can I tell you something and can you promise me you won't think I'm crazy?" I asked. She nods. "I saw Jason I don't know how, but he was there and daddy and even Nana Rose were there. And He told me that he likes us together. Please don't judge me." I tell her. "I don't think your crazy." I start feeling really tired. "I feel like I now I feel better about his death. You know?" I ask her. She nods. "You should get some sleep." She says and gets up. "Goodnight." I smile at her. "I'm right here if you need anything." I shut my eyes and go to sleep.

A/N: this is a short chapter sorry

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