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I can hear her, I can't see her. I love her, I can't tell her. I want to hold her and tell her I'm ok. I want to kiss and hug her, and tell her I love her everyday. I want to wake up but I can't. I feel her holding my hand, I want to squeeze it, but I can't.


I wake up next to her. This is probably the first time I've slept in about a week. She still hasn't woken up. I need her to wake up. "I talked to my mom again, I think she is actually trying to redeem herself." Why wont she wake up? "There was a Serpent meeting today, I think I might be able to tolerate Jughead a little bit more." Squeeze her hand. "Please wake up soon." I look up and see her eyes slowly open. "Cheryl." I smile. For once I'm crying for a good reason. "Toni." I sit on her bed. "Your ok." She smiles. She nods slowly. "Yeah. Cheryl I love you." She struggles to speak. "I love you more words can ever tell and I'm so happy your ok." She lifts her hand and wipe my tears. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." I cry more. She cups my face. "Cheryl, you feeling ok your burning?" I shake my head. "Not really really. I'm probably coming down with something. Some kid sneezed in my face the other day, but right now I'm more worried about you." I tell her. She nods. "Ok. So your mom is trying to redeem herself." I laugh. "Yeah I don't know what to do." She takes my hand. "I feel like she us trying to make things right but everything that she has done to me. I want to I really really do, but I don't think I can." She slowly sits up. "Cheryl."

"You ok?" She ask softly. I realize I have been crying and wipe my tears. "What? Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I lie. She rubs my back. "Because you were crying that's why." I take a deep breath.  "I was afraid of loosing you." I sit up to face her. "Cheryl I'm not leaving you. Not until we grow old." I laugh and look down. She lifts my hand up and puts in a fist. "Remember this?" She ask pointing my my ring. I look up and nod. "It was my promise to stay with you even at your worst. And you made a promise to stay with me at my worst. I'm not leaving you that would brake my promise." She kisses my hand. "I'm so happy your ok." She smiles. "I am to. Thank you for keeping me sane during this. And talking to me as if I was able to respond I tried to I just couldn't." I let a tear fall. "I just don't know what I would have done without you." She cups my face. "Don't worry about it I'm ok now that's all that matters." I nod. "Take a deep breathe. Breathe in" I breathe in. "And out." I shut my eyes and let go for the breath.


"Call Cheryl." Fangs runs to me. "Let's get you to the hospital first." He drags me to his truck. "Your going to be ok." He says. All I can think about is Cheryl. "Call Cheryl please." I winch in pain. "I'll call her when we get there." I grab his arm. "If anything happens to me, tell her how much I love her." He shakes his head. "Nothing's going to happen just stay with me." I put my head back. "I don't think I can." He stops the car and helps me out. He brings me into the hospital. "Someone help. My friends been stabbed." The nurse looks up. "Get a gurney." She say and I get swarmed by nurses and get put on the gurney. "What's your name mam?" And nurse as as we go to the surgery room thing. "Toni Topaz." Fangs yells. "Call Cheryl." I look at him. He nods. "I will, I promise." I grab his arm. "Now idiot." I say as I go into the room.

I wake up from that flashback. I look over at the chair and see Cheryl and Veronica sleeping. "Cheryl." I whisper. She jumps awake. "What wrong?" She ask softly and sits on my bed. "I just had I nightmare that's all. I probably shouldn't have woken you up." She shakes her head. I noticed her lip. "Cheryl what happened to your lip?" I rub over it softly. She flinches. "I might have gone to the Wyrm, gotten drunk and fell off the bar stool." I turn my head. "Please say you didn't drive here drunk." She shakes her head. "No Sweat Pea wouldn't let me." She looks down. "Cheryl promise me one thing." She looks cup. "Don't go after the guy that stabbed me. Or any of the ghoulies please. For me." She nods. "Yeah only because I love you." I smile sadly. "Thank you."

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