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"Cheryl go to school. I'll be fine." She tells me. I take her hand. "Please." She whispers. "I don't want to leave you." I tell her. I've left before nothing happened but I really needed to take real shower. "Cheryl I'll be fine. Go to school you need to," She rubs my arm. "Even though your hella smart. You need to keep it up." I look down. "Cheryl for me." She gives me a smile, a smile that I can resist. "Fine but I'm coming straight back here." I tell her, she nods. "Try to have fun and not think and worry about me the whole day." I nods sadly. "I'll try." She pulls me into a kiss which makes he feel better about everything. "Cheryl I love you." I kiss her back. "I love you." I get up leave. I don't want to leave her at all. What if something happens to her something could happen to me. I don't think I'll ever get over what happened. I get to my car and drive to school. I get out and go into the student lounge. I sit down next to Fangs. "Hey how is she?"
He ask. "She's fine, she also made me come to school." I look at him. He nods. "This is really effecting you this time isn't it?" He asked. "Yeah. She protects me and not in the over protective girlfriend way, in the I love you and want you to be safe way. You know?" I ask him. He nods. "Yeah."  I look up and see Kevin sit in front of us. "So are you to a thing now?" Kevin ask. What the hell is he talking about? "What the hell are you talking about?" He laughs. "You and Toni? Fangs told me about how you were worried about her the whole time she was in the hospital." I look at Fangs. "Oh look at that Sweat Pea needs me." He gets up and leaves. I'm not mad at him it's not a secret we are dating. We just don't talk about it. "First, yes we are dating I thought you would figure thar out by now. Second, she's still in hospital she probably not going to be out for a while because she isn't well. She can't sit up she can barely move and she broke her arm and her hand was already broken so she can't do anything for a while." I tell him about to cry. "Oh I'm sorry about that." I get up. "It's fine. I need to get to class." I get up and find Veronica. "Can we talk." Veronica looks confused. 

"Wait so Toni was stabbed when?" She ask. "At the fight. How did you miss this, or not find out about it?" I was confused on how she didn't know this she is a serpent. "Well I'm not really active with the serpents." She says. Right because Betty has made her step down. This is why I hate Betty, I love her because she's my cousin but sometimes I want to punch her and this is that time. "You really love her. Don't you?" I look up and nod. She takes my hand. "She will be ok. I know for a fact that she loves you more than you will ever know." She says seriously, I look down. "Cheryl when you were and The Sisters, she came to me panicking hoping you were ok. And regretting what she said to you. She told me that she couldn't imagine what she would to without you." I looked at her confused. "What does that have to do with anything I just told you?" I ask. She stands up from the desk and let's go of my hand. "What I mean is, she loves you to much to leave you over one stab wound. She got giving up especially when it comes to you." I nod. She's right. I realize I've started crying, I wipe my tears. "I just want her to be ok." I say as Veronica pulls me into a hug and I cry more. "She will, I promise." She hugs me tighter. I finally pull away. "You should probably see her." I shake my head. "No I promised I wouldn't see her till the end of the day." I get a call from the hospital that changes everything

"How is she?" I ask the nurse. "She's in a coma we don't know what caused it. You can go see her and talk to her again and keep it positive it might help her feel better." I nod and walk into her room. I sit down next to her bed. "They keep telling me to talk to you and to keep it positive still, Veronica told me about how you won't shut up about me, Fangs said the same thing to me." I take a deep breathe desperately trying to stop tears from falling. "After what happened with Nick I never thought I would be able to even kiss someone with some kind of anxiety attack, but you make me feel safe." My voice cracks as I slowly stop crying. "And wanted, I'm sorry for being a bitch during our first encounters, but I love you, more than words can explain." I take a deep breathe. "Please wake up I need you, a lot." I cry into my hands uncontrollably. "Cheryl..." I look up and see Veronica with a thing of flowers. She puts the flowers on the table and walks over to me. "Cheryl it's ok." I shake my head. "No its not." She gets on her knees and looks up to me. "She'll be ok. I'll be here with you until she is. Because I love you platonically obviously." She smiles a little and rubs my back. "Ok?" She ask softly. I nod and wipe my tears. She sits next. "Talk to her." She pulls me into a hug. "I don't know what to say I'm just going to keep going around in circles." I shake my head. "Than do that." She rubs my back. I don't know what to say anymore. I sit closer to Toni and take her hand. I take a deep breathe. "Remember when you and were talking about you working at Pops? Well I talked to him about it and he said your welcome whenever you need a job, it might help you quit drinking." I wipe more tears. "Toni I love you, and whatever happens to you I will never stop loving you. I don't know what I would do without you in my life."

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