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I'm tied to a chair in a dark dim room. I look up and see a nun. "Oh young girl your awake." She smiles I want to see Toni thats all I need this can't be real. "Where am I." I ask even though I know. "Well your at sisters oh quiet mercy of course." She says with a big smile. No! No! I can't be here I knew it was all a dream. "Cheryl we are going to fix you of those dark demons. That Toni girl she's just deviant kinda like you." She holds up a needle. I start screaming everything goes white


I'm laying in bed not able to sleep because I'm still in pain with my hand. I look over and see Cheryl is turning in her sleep. "No! No! I can't be here." I hear her say. She wakes up screaming covered in sweat. "No! Make it stop!" She yells holding her ears crying. "Cheryl it's ok." She shakes her head. "No! Your trying to poison me! No." She curls up. "Cheryl it's me." I try to comfort her but she flinches. "Cheryl it's me Toni your girlfriend. Who loves you and thinks your sensational." She looks up at me and touches my face. I wipe her tears. "I didn't mean to wake you." I shake my head. "You didn't. I haven't been sleeping well lately." I tell her. "It's not because if me right?" I cup her face. "No. I've been really stressed lately with the musical and everything that happened." I realize something. "Cheryl this is about you. Tell me what happened." She plays with the ring I'm wearing. "I was in a room and the nun I can't remember her name she came in and told me that you didn't love me and then she injected me. And I was tied up in a chair." She cries. "Did that actually happen there? Like when you were there." She nods. "It was more of a memory than a dream?" I ask, she nods. "Cheryl..." my voice trails off. "It worse than the dreams with nick. When, when we broke up, I had a dream that I was at The Sisters and Nick was there and he raped me. He kept telling me that I secretly liked it and that you," She stops. "That you never loved me you were just playing me." She cries into my shoulder. I just hold her. "It's ok."

The next day I was sitting at lunch with b&v, Cheryl wasn't there yet. "So what are you going to do for Cheryl's birthday?" Betty ask nonchalantly. Wait birthday? "Wait when is her birthday?" I ask. They both look at each other weirdly. "Tomorrow." They both say shocked almost. "She never said anything about her birthday. Oh god I feel like such a bad girlfriend." Veronica takes my hand. "After her brother she tries to forget about it." I put my head down. I'm such a shitty girlfriend. But of course she tries to forget it. "Should I talk to her about it?" I take my hand away. "Talk to who about what?" Cheryl sits down next to me. "Your birthday that you never told me about." I look over at her. She looks down. "That. The day I was born next to my brother who was killed because my of my father, one of the 3 days I try to forget exist." She snaps. "Cheryl." She hits the table. "I don't want to be reminded of it." She yells. "Ok?" She says softer than before. "Yeah I get it. I'm sorry." She shakes her head. "It's fine, I didn't mean to snap at you I'm just under so much stress at the moment. Anyways, Thanks to Sweat Pea, I currently don't have any transportation can you drop me off at therapy." I nod. "Yeah, what did Sweat Pea do?" I asked confused because she had it yesterday. "He needed for a date with a girl and when he needs it is when I need my car. And I don't have a bike anymore." She looks at me. I blush. "I didn't mean to crash you bike." She laughs and sighs.

Later that day we were at her appointment. "Cheryl you ok? You were fine earlier." She starts panicking. "Can you go in with me. I feel like I'm about have a panic attack." Her breathing gets fast her. I take her hand and put it up to my chest. "Breathe with me." I take a deep breathe and so does she. I keep eye contact with her. Her breathing gets slower. I pull her into a hug. I hate seeing her like this. "Stay." I rub her back. "I'll be in the waiting room." She fully calms down. "Want to go in now?" She wipes her tears and nods. "Come on." We walk in. She hesitates for a minute. "I'll be right here, you'll be ok. Nothing bad will happen." I try not to say anything that she might have been said at the sisters because some of that still triggers her. "This will help you get over everything that's happened trust me. Ok? This is a good thing." I cup her face and try to stay quiet so we don't make a scene. "Deep breaths." She takes a deep breath and nods. "Cheryl! Glad to see you this week." A tall Woman walks up to us. "I'm guessing your this Toni I've heard so much of." Cheryl looks down and blushes. I stick my hand out. "Toni Topaz." She shakes my hand. "Dr. Jones." I smile. "I have a friend with the same last name." I laugh. "Cheryl your ready?" She asked. Cheryl was clearly still freaking out and kinda needs to be talked down to at the moment. She shakes her head. "Cheryl it's ok. I'm right outside." I tell her. She nods. "Yeah I guess." They walk in and the door closes. I sit down for the next hour and hope she's ok.


I walk in and we sit down. "How has your week been?" She asked. "A bad." I quietly say. "Can you tell me why?" She asked while writing something down on her note pad. "My friend, my friend was killed." She looks up. "Midge Clump?" I nod. "Yeah she, she was one of the best people on my Cheerleading squad." I tell her. I realize I haven't had much time to grieve. "I'm sorry about that." I play with my shirt. I've been doing this for a while now it just still gives me anxiety. "I had a nightmare last night." Shut my eyes and see flashbacks from it. "I was in a chair and they were telling me about how I was deviant." I was about to cry again. "Do you remember anything else. "Not really that was wad mostly happened the dream I woke up screaming and I freaked out at Toni because I thought I was still there." She nods and writes it down. She looks at a paper that has my information on it. "Are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?" I shake my head. "Why not?" I shrug. "Jason." I confess. "I loved him. He protected me and my father ruined it with one gun shot." I start crying. "Your brothers death has effected you a lot. Hasn't it?" She ask. "Yeah."


I was waiting for her hopefully everything went well. The door opens and she walks out. I stand up and walks towards me. "How did it go?" She looks like she's been crying. I guess if she were to cry anywhere in the world here would be the place. "Good. Can we talk when we get home?" She asks seriously. "Yeah. Is everything ok?" She nods. We walk out and go home. Once we get in and settled she hands me a paper. "Anti depressants we need to go to the pharmacy tomorrow and get them." She says almost embraced. "She's been talking about giving them to me. She finally did this night help with my nightmares." I take her hand. "It's ok. I was wondering, I know your not so happy that your birthday is tomorrow but could we do something nothing big, maybe just you, me and 2 other people at Pops?" She smiles. "Yeah but I don't want presents. And no stupid happy birthday song. And just you, me and Fangs and Sweat Pea." I was surprised at who she said. It makes sense her and Fangs have become close and Sweat Pea treats her like a sister. "Sure not B&V?" She shakes her head. "They will make a big deal about it. The boys are oblivious." I laugh. "Let's go to bed."

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