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It's been a few months, 3 months to be exact. I can finally walk on my own normal, I haven't had a drink in 3 months, I'm in therapy. Everything is great, well I thought is was great until I got a call. "Hey what's up?" I ask. "Is this Toni Topaz?" A voice says. "Your not Cheryl. Who are you and why do you have her phone?" I ask walking into the trailer after school with Veronica. "Aren't you wondering where your girlfriend is?" I lock the door. "Now yeah!" I yell at the voice. "Who the hell are you?" I ask. The guy laughs. "Nick St Clair. I have your girlfriend meet me at Pops in 20." He hangs up. "I'll be back in a few." I run out the door and go to my bike. Once I get to Pops I see him next to Penny. I take a deep breath, I walk over to them and sit down. "Where the hell is she." I ask. "She's safe, but you need to finish what she started at the open house to find out where. Tomorrow night Five Seasons." Oh god I'm not sleeping with that piece of actual shit. "Fine, why are you here?" I ask looking at Penny. "Because you owe me something." I lean back into the booth. "What you already cut my tattoo off, I've done your drug deals and I have nearly died because of you so what could you possibly want from me?" I ask. "You to join the ghoulies." I stand up. "No." I start to walk away. "Or Cheryl gets killed." I walk back. "You won't do that." She smiles. "Every snake has a soft underbelly and she is yours clearly."


"Your a faggot you know that right?" Nick punches me again. "So what." He punches me again. "I'm going to go be with your girlfriend, and you get to watch." I groan in plain. "You know she's asexual right?" He punches me again. "Shut the yell up bitch." He walks away.

I shoot back in the chair enough to fall back a break out of it. I take off my heals and start running. Once I get to Five Seasons and break down the door to see Toni standing over a passed out Nick. I get up and walk over to her. "Cheryl are you ok?" I cup her face. "Yeah. Just might have broke my nose. Please say he didn't do anything to you?" She shakes her head. "No I did what he did to you minus the obvious part." She laughs. "Cheryl we need to talk about something when we get home." I nod. "Your not going to break up with me right." She shakes her head. "Not anytime soon." We start to walk out, I turns around. "Wait what are we going to do with him?" She takes my hand. "He'll wake up." We both walk out. We get on her bike and drive home. Toni helps me off the bike. We walk in the house. "Cheryl your face." I sit on the couch. Toni gets a the First Aid kit and cleans my face. She brushes over my nose. "Ow, that hurt like hell." Pull away from Toni. "I think he broke your nose." She hands me a towel. "Put this under your nose it's still gushing out blood." After she says that the pain finally hits me, I start to feel lightheaded. "Toni I feel like I'm about to pass out." Everything goes black.

"Cheryl." I slowly open my eyes. "What the hell?" Toni and Veronica are both staring at me. "You were right." I try to sit up. Toni stops me. "Lie down for a few more minutes." Veronica hands me a ice pack and a soda. "Drink this, it will make you feel better." I look around trying to figure out what happened. "What the hell happened?" I put the ice up to my nose. "You passed out for a minute." I take a deep breath. "I just want to go to bed." I get up and walk towards our room. "We'll talk about whatever you wanted to talk about tomorrow." I close the door behind me and go to bed.


"She has blood all over her you should probably get her before she gets the sheets dirty." Veronica says as I get up. I go into our room. "Cheryl, you need to change." I turn on the light. "Oh yeah." She gets up and takes off her shirt, I notice cuts on her side. "Cheryl are you cutting yourself again?" She looks at me and grabs a shirt. "I don't want to talk about it. Not right now." She changes her pants. "Ok, but answer this question for me and I want you to answer honestly." She get back in bed. "Have you been taking your meds?" She shakes her head. "No, I thought I didn't need them anymore. I'm sorry." I sit next to her. "Cheryl you need to take them." I was about to say something else but Cheryl was asleep. I kiss her on the top of head. I walk out and close the door behind me. "Is she ok?" I shake my head. "She stop taking her anti depressants and is now cutting herself again." I sit down and sigh. "Why didn't she tell me?" I take a deep breath. "It's Cheryl." I look over at Veronica. "Who you getting dressed up for?" Veronica looks back at me. "Who do you think?" She goes back to doing her makeup. "I can't believe she actually took you back." She finishes and smiles. "I have to go." She walks out. Why didn't she tell me?


We get back around 2 am and the trailer is quiet and dark. Their both asleep. I close the door, Betty pulls me into a kiss. "I've missed this so much." She kisses me again. "We need to be quiet, their sleeping." We go to my room, both of our clothing ends up on the floor quickly. Both of us on my bed tongues down each others throats. Without any warning she goes down on me. "Betty." I moan.


The next day I wake up still kind of pissed off a Cheryl for not telling me. I get up and see Betty leaving Veronica's room. She looks at me in shock. "I was never here." She quickly leaves. Ok that was weird. I go and make coffee. Once it's done I go back into our room. "Cheryl, wake up." She wakes up and talented the coffee. "Cheryl why didn't you tell me." She sits up. I just want a answer. "Because I didn't think I needed them anymore." She confesses. "How long?" I ask. She's not telling me everything, I know it. "A couple weeks." She puts her head down. "Why?" I take her hand. "Because I feel more motivated to kill myself on them. And it scares me." I take a deep breath desperately trying to process this. "Have you talked to your therapist?" She nods. "Yeah the other day. I'm sorry."

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