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"What were you going to tell me? you said it was important." I ask, she gets up from the bed. "Cheryl I don't know how do say this, but I have to join the ghoulies." My heart drops. "I don't want to, it either that or your life and I don't want you to die." She starts pacing around. Why here? What has she done? "Have you talked to FP? Can he do anything about this?" She shales her head. "Not really!" She yells. I take her hand. "Toni stop panicking. You've become like this lately." She sits down next to me and takes a deep breath. "I don't wanna to leave you alone like this and I feel like either way she's going to do anything to you." She looks at me. "Who Penny?" I ask confused. "Yeah because of that you ask her for one thing one time she has you rapped around her finger." She says pissed off. "What did she do for you?" I ask, she shakes her head. "I don't want to talk about it. How is your nose?" She changes the subject. "Sore."

Later that day I went to see my mom and we talked about Hiram Lodge's plans. I call Toni. "Hey babe." She says picking up the phone. "I have some news meet me at Pops in ten." I was about to hang up. "I can't." I get into the car. "Why?" I ask. "Can you just come home? I got drunk again, I'm sorry." I knew something was up. "Yeah I'll be there in a few." I drive back to the trailer. Once I get in I see Toni on the floor. "Cheryl, I'm sorry." I take a deep breath. I walk over to her and help her up. "I thought one drink would be fine and it turned into a 6 pack of beer." She slurs. We get to the bathroom because I knew she was going to throw up soon. "It's ok, it's part of recovering." I rub her back. "I've just been so stressed." She throws up. "I know." She turns to me. "I talked to FP, she's going to try to make a deal with Penny." She gets up, she stumbles over to the sink and gets water. I get up and walk to the kitchen. "Cheryl I don't want to join the ghoulies. I don't want to drink, I don't want to have suicidal thoughts, I just want to leave this god awful town and start family and forget this town. Ever since I was stabbed shit has just the fan." I walk over to her. "Than lets do it, it's not the first time we've talked about it so maybe we should." She looks at me.


"Penny." I pick up the phone. "I warned you, I have the Blossom twin, come in 20 minuets or she dies." I get up from the couch. "I'm not joining the ghoulies." I hear a scream in the phone. "19." I hang up and go to my bike, I drive to the hang out. "I figured you would come." I look over a Cheryl it's hard to tell what they have done to her and what Nick did to her. "Cheryl-." Penny stops me. "Hand over your jacket!" She pulls out her switch blade. I take off my jacket. "Cheryl will be safe right?" I ask handing her my jacket. "Yes." She unties Cheryl. "Stop right there." I turn around and see FP. Cheryl runs to me. "FP Jones It's to late." She throughs my jacket into the fire. "Both of you go." We both leave. We get on my bike and go home. "My jacket." Thats all I said when I get home. "Is that all your worried about?" She asked me. "That wasn't just my jacket, that was the only thing I have that was my moms, Cheryl my mom abandoned me that's the only thing I have to remember her, so yeah I am worried about it." I yell at her. She cups my face. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I walk away. "Of course you didn't, because you never do." Before she can say anything I go into my room and lock myself in there. I take a deep breath.

"Cheryl, I'm sorry for yelling at you. It just added to everything losing my jacket." She looks at me as I sit down. "It's ok. I get what it means to lose something important to you." I look over at her confused. "Even though it still is in existence, Jason's Letterman."

"Hey Betty." I run over to her and go into the student lounge. "Can ask for a favor?" I ask, she nods. "Yeah what's up?" She ask going to the venting machine. "Umm, so Cheryl said you still have Jason's letterman, and I was wondering if you could give it to her? We got into a argument about important things and it came up and I feel bad." She turns to me. "Yeah I'll give it to her tomorrow." She grabs a snack. "Thank you." I turn around to and almost walk into Cheryl. Oh god I hope she didn't hear anything I talked to Betty about. "Hey, you ok?" I ask taking her hand. "Can we talk, in private?" She looks like she's about to throw up. I nod. We walk into a empty room. "I think my dad is still alive." She blurts out. "What? Didn't he kill himself?" I asked confused. How could her dad still be alive? "That could have been Claudius." She starts pacing back and forth. "So who do you think actually killed Jason?" I ask. "Oh, that was definitely my dad." She takes a deep breath. "Why did you think of this?" She walks over to me. "I was talking to my mom and she said something and it clicked." I pull her closer. She starts to cry. "I just want the man who killed him to be dead or pay for what they did." I wipe her tears. "I know, but we need to not worry about that right now. Ok?" She nods. "Ok let's get to class." We start to walk out when I look at what she is wearing. I stop her. "Wait did you get a knew serpent jacket?" I ask her. "Maybe." She walks away. I liked the red one but I get why she probably wanted a normal one. Speaking of a new jacket. "Jones." He turns around. "What?" He ask as the bell rings. "I'll ask you later." I run to class. "Antoinette!" I stop. I hate that name, I turn around. "Office now!"

I walk into the trailer with my head down. "Hey, what's up?" I shake my head. "I don't want to talk right now." I walk into my room and to sleep.


"What?" She hands me Jason's jacket. "Toni told me you wanted it, and I Polly can't have it, I didn't really know Jason besides him dating Polly so this deserves to go to you. And I don't know why I didn't give this to you sooner." I stare at the jacket in shock. "Toni told you I wanted it?" She nods.

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