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It was the weekend and we were heading to Veronicas lodge thing. I am not exited for this even though I do get alone time with Cheryl I just not over what Betty did. "You ok?" I look over at Cheryl who asked me the question. "Yeah I'm just not the most excited about this." I tell her. "Why?" She asked me. "What Betty did, I hated it. It just felt wrong. I almost feel assaulted if I'm going to be perfectly honest." I tell her. "Hey it was just a kiss and worse could have happened trust me." I sigh. "If you really feel that way tell her the worst she can do is deny it and say your were asking for it." She posses. "Oh god that's exactly what happened to me. Let's not talk about this right now. It's still hard to talk about and I don't think it ever wont be." As she says that we pull up and we step out. As we get there B&V get there. "Hey girls." I say as they get out. Betty gives me an apologetic smile. I walk over to her. "Can we talk later?" She nods. "Toni come here." Cheryl yells from the door. We walk over and we go in. "Welcome to Lodge Lodge." Veronica says as we walk in. "Your room is upstairs on the left. No funny business yet." Cheryl pulls me close. "Do you really think we have sex at every chance we get?" Cheryl said with a laugh. "Don't answer that!" I say seriously. "Well it's getting dark let's go for a swim." Veronica and Betty walk away. "Cheryl. I don't think I can." I say taking her hand. "We're probably going to just be in the hot tub just don't like dive or jump in or whatever." I look down and smile. "Let's get changed." We walk into are room. We hear a squeaking upstairs. We both laugh. "So much for no funny business yet." Cheryl says. "That's all going to change later." I tell her with a wink. She takes a deep breath. "If your comfortable of course. Consent is are unspoken rule in everything." I pull her closer to me and pull her into a kiss that she kisses me back.

We finished getting change. We walk out and see B&V in the hot tub. We both get in. "I'm not mad about the kiss but I was thinking Cheryl and I." She starts my heart drops. "Should kiss." Betty and I look at each other. "What are you nuts?" Betty ask Veronica. "Well wait a minute." Cheryl stands up. "Veronica and I kissing my level the playing field." She laughs. "Your not upset right?" I asked. "No, but I'm human and irrational." She says. "But what if there is a Choni fight. I can use that kiss against you. A Cheronica kiss might be what saves our future." I look over a Betty. Veronica stands up and walks over to Cheryl. "Don't freak out just trust me." Veronica pulls her into a long kiss. "Ok that enough are kiss lasted a second yours is lasting a minute." I say my blood was boiling with jealousy and I think Bettys was to. Veronica pulls away finally. Cheryl sits down. I rap my arm around her.


I was sitting in bed figuring out what the hell just happened. "You know you and Betty are the only ones who haven't kiss but I don't think that's happening anytime soon." I sat there in shocked as she walks to the bathroom. "You and Veronica?" I ask. She grins. "It was before we started dating we were like 10." She walks into the bathroom. A minute later she comes out only wearing underwear. "I think your stressed." I sit up and just look at her. She walks over to me and straddles me. I pull her into a kiss. "Your a better kisser anyways." She smiles and kisses me. It got heated quickly. I lay down. She starts to move down my body. "Wait you topped last time." She kisses me again. "Take the lead." After she said that I realized I had no clue what I was doing but I was going to figure it- no I'm not. "Cheryl you ok?" She asked. "I don't know what I'm doing." She smiles again. "Cheryl." She shakes her head and kisses me. She takes off my shirt and bra. Are bodies grind together. She moves down to my shorts and takes them off. "You sure?" Toni asked. "I- not really. I'm sorry." She gets up and puts a shirt on. "It's ok." She lays next to me and hands me my shirt. "I want you to feel comfortable around me." She turns to me. I smile. "How's your stab wound?" I asked her. "Better that Ghoulie didn't know how to stab though." wait Ghoulie. "A Ghoulie stabbed you and you didn't tell me?" I asked pissed off. I sit up and she fallows. "I didn't want you to freak out. And if you went after them it would have started a all out war." I look down and start crying. "Please say you were at least trying to save Fangs or someone?" I ask. She cups my face. "I was trying to protect you they were threatening you and I got mad and punched Penny and she got one of her minions to fight for her and Fangs got involved and I stepped in fount of him so he wouldn't get stabbed." I start to burst out crying. "Toni you could have died it could have been worse. I can't lose you not after ja-." She wipes my tears. "And you didn't. If I didn't it was going to be you and I couldn't live with myself knowing that I'm the reason behind your death. I love you to much."  I pull her into a kiss. "I love you to that's why I don't want anything to happen to you either, your the best thing that's happened to me in months especially after Jason." She looks at me about to cry. "I know that's why I did it." She takes my hand. "Take a deep breath. I'll do it with you." We both breath in and breath out. "Better?" She Asked. "I just want you to hold me." She lays back down. "I can do that." I lay next to her. She holds me as I quietly cry. We both slowly drift off to sleep.

The next day we head home and I wanted to get revenge for what the Ghoulies did to Toni. Once we get back Toni had a shift. I decide to take matters into my own hands the war between the Ghoulies and Serpents was getting worse since what happened to Toni and it was all Hiram Lodges fault. He paid the Ghoulies to get her try to kill her. I grab my serpent jacket and head out the door. I hop on my bike and drive to there hang out. I call Toni. "Hey babe what's up?" She asked. "I love you and I would do anything for you." I tell her horrified. "Cheryl. Where the hell are you? Are you ok?" I try not to cry. "This is your own good." Before she can say anything I hang up. I walk over to where they are. "Cheryl Blossom." Penny says. "Why did you do that to her?" She laughs at my question. "Every snake has a under belly. Your hers. I threatened you and she got defensive so I had get get stabbed." As she saying that 20 other Ghoulies circle around us. "Your going to have to kill me before you kill her." She laughs again. I punch her and everything goes black for me.


She hangs up with me. "FP!" I run to him. "What?" I was scared. "Cheryl she's in danger I think she went to the Ghoulies hang out for revenge on what they did to me." FP looks mad. "You told her I told you keep your mouth shut about it." He yells. "I needed to tell her and I didn't mean to it slipped." He takes a deep breath. "Go check her house and meet me back here." I was outraged. "No. We are going straight there. She is the love of my life I'm not waisting time by going on the opposite side of this hell whole and meet you back here. She could already be dead for all We know." When I finished I realize I was yelling. I storm out about to cry and go find her. FP and Jughead weren't far behind me. We get there I get off my bike. "Wait here with Jughead." FP runs off. "She needs to be ok." A few minutes later FP comes back holding a almost lifeless body. "Cheryl." I whisper.

A/N: I wont be active for a week or 2

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