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I was tied down to a chair. I look around and see my dad holding a gun he points it up to my head and shoots it.

I wake up next to Toni sweating. "Hey, you ok?" She asked. I realize we're still in the hospital. I sit up and rap my head around what I just went through. "Yeah I just had a nightmare again." She nods. "Ok your safe now with me." I smile. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask. "It's 1 in the morning." She looked tired. "Did you sleep." She takes my hand. "I think I'm nocturnal. I'm not tired. It kinda scares me." I kiss her. "Pops?" I asked even though I didn't need to. "That's a dumb question." We both get up and get on her bike.

We get to pop's and sit down at a booth next to each other. She puts her arm around my shoulder and takes my hand. "This has been the best week of my life. I'm so glad I'm with you." I tell her meaning ever word. "Cheryl. I love you and I know we kinda just really met but I really love you and even though the world is imploding around us you are the only thing that is not."


I kiss her because I feel like if I don't I might keep on rambling. She kisses me back. FP awkwardly walks over to us. "Hey umm. You want anything to order?" He ask. "Coffee for right now." I tell him. "Cheryl?" Cheryl looks up at him. "Same thing." FP wrote it down. "How was the gauntlet?" Cheryl laughs at his question. "Your son can punch." I smile. "I feel bad for punching you though." FP walks away. "It's fine you didn't really have much of a choice. And it was hot." She say and places her hand on my thigh. "We're in public. And it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning." She looks down and laughs. FP walks over with are coffees. "How's Betty? Jug told me what happened." Cheryl looks at me. "Tell him I wasn't even awake for anything." I look up. "She's out of surgery. Ummm she's in a coma and she ended up breaking her left arm and right leg. And she might not remember anything." FP nods his head. "Wow. Will she be ok?" Cheryl takes my hand. "Hopefully." FP looks down. "Ok I have to get back to work but I'll talk to Jug more about it." He walks away. We drink are coffees and talk about things. We decided to go home and actually sleep.

"Cheryl?" I whisper. "You still awake?" She looks up at me in bed. "Yeah what's wrong?" She asked. "My uncle gets back tomorrow from his trip and I'm afraid of what he is going to do." She cups my face. "Get emancipated." She said and it clicked. "Cheryl. I would have to get his permission and he's usually to drunk to change the channel." She doesn't respond. "Cheryl?" I look down and realize she's asleep. I shut my eyes and go to sleep.

I jolt up to a slamming on the door. "What is that?" I get up. "Stay here."
I walk to the door and see my brother "Antoinette." I was shocked. "Miles?" I pull him into a hug. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. "It's not mom she's not well." He whispers. "She left with you years ago." I pull out of the hug. "Cheryl come out everything thing is fine." Cheryl walks out. "This is my brother Miles." Cheryl walks over. "This is Cheryl my girlfriend." He looks up. "Hey. Nice to meet you." She sticks her hand out for him to shake it. "Can you shake her hand?" I asked because I know if I didn't he wouldn't. He shakes her hand. He sits down without saying anything. "You never told me you had a brother." I shut the door. "Since when do I talk about my family." She nods her head. "Point taken." I sit down and Cheryl makes coffee. "What happened?" He looks down. "Drugs and alcohol that's what." I sit back. "She's in rehab now. That's why I'm here." He continues. "Where are you guys living?" I ask. "Greendale." I was shocked he was this close to me and I didn't know it. "Is SweetPea around." I smile. "He's in his trailer." He runs out and goes to him. I get up and close the door. I turn around and see Cheryl sad. "What?" I ask. "Does he hate me even though we ju-." I interrupted her. "He misses social cues it's not you." She sighs in relief. "You need to be patient with him." I walk over to her. She pulls me close. "I really liked what happened yesterday between us." She says and starts kissing my neck. "Cheryl not now." She pulls away. "later though Miles will probably end up staying with Sweat Pea." She rubs my arm. "Fine. I want to confront my mom." She drops the Bombshell. "do it." She sighs. "I don't know how." I rub her arm. "Well your Cheryl Blossom and you make sure everything is over Exaggerated." She smiles. "So I don't know maybe like scare her and I don't you burned down Thorn hill you happy burn down
Thistle House." I see her eyes get wider. "If you do it, don't tell me." I tell her. "Toni have you met me? Like you said I over exaggerate everything so what you told me is a small part of a big plan." Before I can say anything else she interrupts me with a kiss. Not a "I think we should take me to the bedroom" kiss. It might become that. But a passionate caring kiss. I deepen the kisses. "Ok maybe we could do a PG-13 make out session." She smiles. "I kissed you so you wouldn't stop me. But..." She looks me up and down. ""It wouldn't hurt." I kiss her and we got against the door to her room, she kisses my neck leaving hickeys where she goes. I shrugged to open the door but I get it open. We get on the bed. She kisses. We get interrupted by a pounding on the door. "I'll get it." I tell her and get up. I open the door. It's my uncle. "Hey." You could tell he was drunk. "What do you want? And why are you drunk already?" I asked him. "I just wanted to tell you I'm home." I slam the door. "I'm glad your parents left you." I hear him through the door. "Every time." I see Cheryl standing in the door way. I walk up to her about to cry. "Every single time I see him even when I lived with him he has to mention my parents and say that he's glad that they left me. Not because he loves me because he understands why they did it. Cheryl my father us dead and my mom left me and never explained why." I yell. "Well maybe you can ask your mom." I sit down. "Oh no the only reason her and my brother are here is so he can see me and I don't even want to see her."


I felt bad for her, she has lost so much. "Fine, I'm not going to tell you what to do but consider talking to her since she is in town." I sit down and take her hand. "I just want to leave." I look up and her. "What?" I asked confused on what she was getting at. "Leave this town go somewhere where there is not Northside vs Southside. Where I can get away from my uncle and you can get away from your mom and your family. I just want to live a normal life. Get a reasonable job. Is that so hard to ask for." She looks up at me. "After High School. I agree with you but we can't not now." She stands up. "I want to leave now." She starts to cry. "I'm done." She turns to me. "Toni..." She grabs her jacket. "I need to get some air I'll be back." She storms out and leaves on her bike. I don't know where she is going but there was no hope in stopping her. I grab my keys and head to Thistle House.

"Claudius?" My mom said as I opened the door. She walks over to me. "Dear god what are you doing here? And what's with the candle?" She asked. "I want this house for me and nana rose." I walk closer to her. "And if you don't. I burned down one house I can happily do that again." She looks like she might explode. "Fine."

A hour goes by and my mom finally leaves with my uncle. I get a text from Toni telling me to meet her a Pops so I drive there and see her in one if the booths. I walk in and sit in front of her. "I'm sorry I was releasing my anger and frustration at you." She says. "It's fine but where did you go?" I asked. "Sweet water." I take her hand. "I got the house back if you want to move in." I tell her. "I can't not yet I have to live in the trailer for at least six months." "Oh well you can at least stay over and meet my Nana." I suggest she smiles. "That would be amazing."

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